Drinking, Schminking, was Re: Ethics, Schmethics

quigonginger quigonginger at quigonginger.yahoo.invalid
Wed Aug 17 12:39:21 UTC 2005

> As a former drinker and as a therapist, I always
> notice how people drink in books and movies. 
> Not to be too prudish, but it does concern me just a
> tad that our chronic drunks (Winky and Trelawny) are
> sort of just hanging out, drinking their lives away
> for our amusement with apparently no hope of recovery.
> I am not sure if rehab / recovery from addiction is a
> concept that exists in the WW.  
> OT aside: anyone want to clue me in to what ESE stands
> for? Evil S... E... ? 
> Thanks
> - Larry Fights

Ginger:  As a member of the hard-drinking lower class, I have never 
found the amount of drinking in any of the HP books to be out of 
range.  Hagrid, bless his heart, is pretty much the same social class 
as I, so I've never been put off by his drinking.

Winky, on the other hand, I worry about.  She isn't drinking 
socially.  She is drinking from depression.  (Side thought- Winky at 
a 12-step meeting, would fail on the first step- "Winky has no Higher 
Power!  Winky has clothes!")  Poor thing.  I really pity her.

Trelawney is at least capable of keeping her life in order and doing 
her job (such as she does it) without slipping.  I'd call her a 
functional drinker.  

The rest seem to be social drinkers.  I don't know anything about 
British drinking, but I have gotten the impression that they drink 
socially more than we do here in the US.  Is this correct, British 
friends?  I am, of course talking in broad generalities.  I'm 
certainly not labeling them as slush-hounds and booze-hags.  I 
reserve that title for myself ;o)

As to your other point, ESE means Ever So Evil.  It's used to 
indicate that a person generally portrayed as good is actually evil 
and is hoodwinking us.  I think just about every character has had a 
moment as an ESE person.  Even the giant squid, Trevor, and Bill.

Ginger, today drinking peach/grape juice.  Non-alcoholic.

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