[the_old_crowd] Drinking, Schminking, was Re: Ethics, Schmethics

ewe2 ewetoo at ewe2_au.yahoo.invalid
Wed Aug 17 15:01:06 UTC 2005

On Wed, Aug 17, 2005 at 02:04:36PM -0000, Barry Arrowsmith wrote:

> Mind you, other places have, or have had, interesting drinking habits too:
> the '6 o'clock swill' in New Zealand; any Aussie pub at 5 pm on a Friday, and
> why bother waiting 'til Friday?

Speaking as a well-oiled Aussie, the "6 o'clock swill" referred here to the
old mandatory closing time of 6pm; the hour before was therefore a very busy
time. Here is a useful link:


Keith Dunstan (mentioned above) wrote a wonderful book called Knockers which
is a must-read if you can find it. Among other things, he explains why
Canberra is what and where it is - for example, it is midway between Sydney
and Melbourne and exists in its own state precisely because neither Sydney or
Melbourne would allow the other a skerrick of advantage over the nation's

ewe2, schminking of bourbon

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!" - Adam Savage

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