Sluggy Sluggy Slughorns Drink Up Mate!

Randy Estes estesrandy at
Thu Aug 18 04:32:27 UTC 2005

--- dungrollin <spotthedungbeetle at ...> wrote:


> Dungrollin:
> Well, speaking as a one-time undergraduate, I was
> quite impressed ( 
> la Harry chez Mrs Cole) with Slughorn offering Harry
> and Ron a drink 
> *before breakfast*; albeit on a Saturday. Yers. I
> don't remember 
> ever managing booze before breakfast, though I
> distinctly remember 
> queuing up outside the pub for opening time at 11am
> (though not much 
> afterwards, obviously).
> Might be worth bearing in mind that Jo was pregnant
> while writing 
> the last bit of HBP, and her thoughts may have been
> wandering 
> towards that bottle of Ogden's she was really
> looking forward to.

Randy replies:
She already had it planned out again!
First Harry potter book. On page 139 of US version:

Harry's first Potions Class with Snape:

"He (Snape) was just telling everone to look at the
perfect way Malfoy had stewed his horned slugs ..."

Stewed could be used to describe "drunk off your arse"
Horned Slugs or Slughorns?

And off the internet:
slug (definitions) 
 meaning "strong drink" first recorded 1756, perhaps
from slang fire a slug "take a drink," though it also
may be related to Ir. slog "swallow." 

Also mentioned in the first Potions Class by Snape is
Wormwood on p. 138 of US version:

Wormwood, Artemisia Absinthium has been used for
centuries as a moth repellant, general pesticide and
as a tea/spray to repel slugs and snails.

This is the 6th book (ie. the 6th task).  That means
the Potions book for the Potions task.  Evidently per
Dumbledore,  the Potion must be Drunk! Darn it, Drink

Red <0> Randy

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