[the_old_crowd] ESE

Waldo Glatisant waldoglatisant at waldoglatisant.yahoo.invalid
Thu Aug 18 11:46:42 UTC 2005

--- Randy Estes <estesrandy at ...> wrote:

> Ever since I saw this ESE logo, it has stuck in my
> mind.  I have been looking at jobs related to
> teaching
> and I constantly see ESE teaching positions.  
> I think about the ESE Lupin crowd and think that he
> must have started a trend.  You can now apply for
> positions in the teaching profession.  I guess you
> will be expected to miss classes now and then to go
> off and do dastardly things!
> Red <0> Randy


Yes, well ol' Red Eye, not familiar with that acronym
but in crosswords it would be "direction between
Oxford and London" : ESE (East by Southeast). O'
course that didn't fit the context of the discussion
(East by Southeast Lupin?). Nevertheless, it is good
to hear that His Lupine-ness has opened new doors in
the teaching profession.  Now if he could only get a


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