Confuddled thoughts on Horcruces??

Kirsty kirsty.hiseman at
Thu Aug 18 20:33:57 UTC 2005

After reading many of the fabuous posts about these delightful 
horcruces and how they work etc I want to throw something into the 
arena (Please excuse me if: this has already been discussed, it 
sounds ridiculous or you think I'm an idiot - which I am; as it my 
first post on one of these things)

Ok - it was after something one of the speakers said at 
me thinking.

Blood? - Highly important thing in HP.

( know I should know more about this, but sadly I do not )

I know in some religious groups the soul is thought to flow with the 
blood, which is why these religious groups disagree with blood 
transfusions and transplants - My thought that I want to throw out 
there is about Voldy using the blood of Harry in the GOF.

I just wondered what people thought about this and the Harry Horcrux 
idea? (OT- sorry just throwing ideas around fro my dissertation and 
wondered what others thought?)


 - new to all this discussion business

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