young Remus's conscience / Snape / Booze / Maugrim / Not saying the name
Catlady (Rita Prince Winston)
catlady at
Sun Aug 21 17:22:53 UTC 2005
Pippin wrote in
old_crowd/message/2897 :
<< If his conscience didn't make him stop James,Sirius and Peter from
involving themselves in dangerous and illegal magic, and leading a
werewolf into a village, if he even helped them plan to do these
things, why would he draw the line at helping them find ways to
torment Snape? >>
"We're not hurting anyone. We're just breaking curfew, doing
unauthorized magic, and roaming the Forbidden Forest, like we always
do. This is a victimless crime and those are all arbitrary rules."
Besides, there usually would be witnesses to see him handing James or
Sirius back their wands.
Charme wrote in
old_crowd/message/2931 :
<< Note that Sluggy points out how he thought Lily was pureblood, she
was so good. He does not mention Snape, I don't think? >>
But at Sluggy's Christmas party, when he is telling Snape how good
Harry is at Potions, he says something about: "You should have seen
that Draught of Living Death he made for me. I've never seen a student
do it better, not even you, Severus." I don't think that was mere
baseless flattery of his conversation partner; I think it relates to
Snape having been a brilliant Potions student and a member of the Slug
Pippin wrote in
old_crowd/message/2988 :
<< we found out why Dumbledore believed Snape had left the dark
side >>
No, we didn't. DD may have been about to *tell* Harry and us, but
Harry interrupted him as soon as he mentioned Snape's remorse.
Neri wrote in
d_crowd/message/2993 :
<< We found out whom Snape really loves. >>
We did?
Kneasy in
replied to Dungrollin:
<< Before breakfast, that's a single-minded sybarite for sure >>
A Bloody Mary or occasionally a Screwdriver IS breakfast -- the tomato
or orange juice supplies the vitamins while the vodka eases the
Eloise wrote in
old_crowd/message/2961 :
<< But it's described elsewhere as "cooking sherry" so it's cheap,
nasty stuff that you'd only *drink* if either you couldn't afford
something decent or you are dependent/want to get drunk rather
than enjoy it. >>
The Muggle cliche about people drinking cooking sherry is an
ill-considered effort at concealment that they drink, because no one
can witness them buying DRINK or find bottles of it in their house.
Geoff wrote in
ld_crowd/message/2978 :
<< ["Maugrim"] is derived from the words "maw" (meaning mouth),
"morgue", and "Grim" (a foreboding wolf-like figure from English
folklore). >>
I don't know how Lewis created the name, but I read it as "mau" like
"mauvais", i.e. like "mal" it means "bad", and "grim" as the normal
English language word.
Kneasy wrote in
old_crowd/message/2984 :
<< According to Jo, the reasoning behind the "He who must not be
named" bit was the common belief in primitive societies (and by
extension the WW - otherwise why make a big thing of it) that knowing
a person's name gave power over them. >>
If people felt that saying Voldemort's name would give them power over
him, they'd say it all the time (as DD encourages them to do!). Their
behavior is more in line with your suggestion of speaking his name
will summon him. I don't know who is M.R.James, but an old proverb
"speak of the Devil and he will appear" is preserved in the custom (US
custom, anyway) of saying "Speak of the Devil!" when someone arrives
right after being mentioned. It also is supposed to be the reason they
are so many tradition "euphemisms" for Satan, from "Old Scratch" to
"His Satanic Majesty".
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