[the_old_crowd] Re: Tonks again
silmariel at a_silmariel.yahoo.invalid
Mon Aug 22 11:58:18 UTC 2005
Sorry about the delay, I've been a bit ill.
> Well, as to the PP there's already a handy store in the Dungeon. Either
> Snape or Sluggy, and my money's on Snape. And why would "Tonks" ask about
> letters between the Order if "she" knows perfectly well they use
> Patronuses?
My money's on Snape, too, he had bowed to help Draco, after all. I'm a bit
lost with the letter. Does she know that Harry knows patronus is the method
of communication for the order? Till last year he received Sirius letters, so
it might be she won't release information she thinks Harry doesn't have.
> Snape's sense of humour...? Certainly, a male isn't out of the question,
> but if it isn't the real Tonks, then the Lupin ship story is automatically
> suspect, and not one that is likely from males either.
> > But if it is a Polyjuiced!Tonks then the original must have been
> > available at some time to have various redundant bits hacked off her
> > to add to the potion. Um. That complicates things and tends to
> > strengthen the odds that it may be an unPolyjuiced Andromeda that's
> > the ringer.
Both Male!Tonks and Andromeda!Tonks make me ewww because of the resulting
pairings. It reminds me too much, but mirrored, of Harry calling Goyle
pretty. It's fun because it's him, but the surface ship, Harry-11 year old
girl, is not fun (this is not a manga). In this case, Lupin-Andromeda is
uncomfortable, for my tastes, and male!Tonks... well, if she is introducing
same gender pairing, she could have used other means, really. Polijuicing on
the spot (for example, Draco to get out of RoR) is fine, but long lasting
polijuice game brings those issues for me.
<snip> Imposter!Tonks has to explain a few things: lack of
> Metamorph, inexplicable non-clumsiness, curious forgetfulness. What better
> than unrequited love? And such a confidence inspires trust, especially from
> a romantic like Molly. "Tonks" was rather eager to avoid Dumbledore,
> wasn't she? Unfortunately it also means "she" has to play out the facade
> with Molly looking on. <snip>
And inexplicable clumsiness, again I'm a bit lost, I was rereading Tonks few
appearances and found this:
<In his eagerness to help her, he knocked the gravy boat flying; Bill waved
his wand and the gravy soared up in the air and returned meekly to the boat.
'You are as bad as zat Tonks,' said Fleur to Ron, when she had finished
kissing Bill in thanks. 'She is always knocking -'> (Chap 16, Christmas)
I get the reading that the Tonks version Fleur knew was clumsy. It can be said
that Fleur is only retelling what she has been told, but then I don't find
that in character for her, more the reaction of loudly stating she isn't
clumsy (maybe in the lines of not clumsy - not as funny as you said - that
boring tonks). Is it possible that Fleur hasn't met this new Tonks? I went
for chapter five and they are not shown together. But then, when did they
>From the Lexicon:
Delacour, Fleur (c. 1977 - present)
She is part Veela and was the Beauxbatons champion in the Triwizard Tournament
(GF16). Fleur is currently living and working at Gringotts in London (OP4).
In the summer of 1997 (Y17) (HBP5), Fleur became engaged to marry Bill
Really, this line doesn't make much sense for me when all other characters
view Tonks the other way.
> Silmariel:
> I feel they are doomed ...
> Kneasy:
> Splendid! That's the ticket!
> Yes, doooom!!!
But hey, it's not my bloodlust, I really perceive them as sacrificial lambs,
too much like Cedric. With an ESE!Lupin, it's easy to call for a doomed pair,
but even with a WYSIWYG!Lupin, he is too soft, and she is not exactly an
example of strenght in HBP. Even Narcissa is more scaring.
More that the I'm too old speech, the I'm a spy on people who agree to follow
a leader whose prime target is children aproach speaks volumes to me. In
times of peace, if werewolves were not discriminated, with wizards lifespan,
I wouldn't see a problem with this ship. But as things are... <g>
> > Nothing more useless than a redundant hero, slumped over a pint in the
> > pub, boring everyone to tears with tales repeated too often of
> > derring-do long past.
> "Oh,'im? 'E used ter be 'Arry Potter, the Boy 'OO Lived. Ever since 'e
> sorted that You- Know-'OO, 'e ain't never bin the same. They say 'e tried
> to take up Auror'ing but 'e reckoned it were nothing to You-Know-'OO so 'e
> chucked it an' tried 'is luck with the Chudley Cannons. They threw 'im out
> after that match with Puddlemere United. Ain't no Seeker I ever heard of
> hexing Beaters, it was unprofessional..."
Don't imagine Harry surviving his good looks, I agree heroes don't age well,
usually. May end being the new Lockhart. Not a fraud, but as boring.
Here enters my bloodlust. I doubt Jo will kill a character that she likes so
much as Ginny, not being central to the plot, but then, it's nothing new in
the story of marysueism and Ginny verges it, IMO, so I can always hope she is
'elevated' by murder - Alchemy interested can cheer too.
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