Possible flint from OotP?

Waldo Glatisant waldoglatisant at waldoglatisant.yahoo.invalid
Wed Aug 24 13:47:30 UTC 2005

I am afraid to post this item (possible flint from
HP5?) to this crowd, because you folks are so sharp
and ... er, let's say attentive to detail. And, I am
almost sure some folks will have debated this into
oblivion, but I searched the HP-Lexicon (Hi Steve!)
and didn't see any reference to this passage:

Dumbledore to Harry: "... He saw himself in you before
he had ever seen you, and in marking you with that
scar, he did not kill you, as he intended, but gave
you powers, and a future, which have fitted you to
escape him not once, *but four times* so far --
something that neither your parents, nor Neville's
parents, ever achieved." (OP37)

Now my question is this: Is it *four* or *five* times?

Arguably, Harry escaped LV:

(1) in October, c1981 - Godric's Hollow
(2) In the PS, when LV was sticking out of the back of
Quirrell's head and demanding that Quirrell kill
Harry. Seems to me that would count as facing LV and
escaping - Hey, for that matter he also faced LV and
escaped while in the dark forest. 
(3) CoS: Does LV not attempt to kill Harry with the
basilisk? Doesn't Harry escape? 
(4) GoF - graveyard scene: I'd say this one counts for
sure, no?
(5) OotP - DoM scene: The speech from DD occurs after
this scene. 

Thus, it seems to me that DD would have been more
accurate in saying that Harry had faced LV and escaped
5 or 6 times.  I do apologize if this is old, old


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