The witness in Godric's Hollow (was: AKs and Horcrux!Harry )

eloise_herisson eloiseherisson at
Thu Aug 25 08:11:43 UTC 2005

> As for there being another witness to the murders -- if there is one, 
> I don't see how it could be Snape. Standing idly by while Voldemort 
> murdered the Potters would hardly fit...


Constance provided the quote I alluded to (thanks <g>).

Now I'm just playing with ideas, mind. I don't know who the witness 
was, but it looks like there was one. But if it were Snape, he wouldn't 
have been idly standing by, no. ESE!Snape would have been assisting 
Voldemort. But can we fit Loyal!Snape in?


Remember way back over on the other list, when this first (I think) 
came up, there was speculation that Lupin was there, because he 
questioned Harry about hearing his father's voice? The idea was that 
under the influence of the Dementor!Boggart, Harry actually heard 
*Lupin*, not James, warning of Voldemort's arrival. 

What if, in fact, it was Snape? A problem with this scenario is that he 
would have had to stay out of Voldemort's sight/be in disguise ( <sigh> 
Polyjuice?) or he'd be dead by now.

Or else having overheard Voldemort's plans, he could have rushed to GH 
only to arrive a fraction too late, able only to witness, not fight.

I wonder what would have happened if Voldemort had demanded that he 
accompany him? I know that Voldemort obviously chose to kill the 
Potters personally, but it's not unlikely that he took DEs with him. 
And the one who had alerted him to the danger posed by Harry in the 
first place might have been "rewarded" by the privilege of being 
present at the event.

Snape might have been in a postion where there was nothing that he 
could do other than watch or wind up dead too (which Sirius no doubt 
would say he should have.)

Something else led me to wonder a long time ago, if he were there and 
that's Harry's dream just after he arrives at Hogwarts. My PS?SS still 
hasn't come to light, so I'm quoting from the Lexicon.

>>After his first trip on the Hogwarts Express, his introduction to 
school, and the Sorting, Harry had a strange dream. He was wearing 
Quirrell's turban, which spoke to him, telling him to transfer into 
Slytherin. The turban got heavier and heavier and tightened on his 
head. He saw Malfoy laughing at him, who turned into Snape, whose laugh 
became high and cold. He awoke after a flash of green light. <<

Now this may mean very little in this particular context however it is 
interesting that he witnesses the flash of the curse, accompanied a 
vision of both Malfoy and Snape. Was Malfoy (sr) there, too, 
accompanying his master and later retrieving his wand?


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