New Information on R. A. B.
judy at
Tue Aug 30 06:46:22 UTC 2005
Our very own Lexicon Steve seems to have scored a scoop! The Lexicon
is saying that Regulus Black's middle name is Arcturus, which means
bear watcher: "It is the fourth brightest star of the entire sky,
following only Sirius, Canopus, and Alpha Centauri." The Lexicon is
also saying that R.A.B. is indeed Regulus, and that this information
is from a reliable source.
I YM'ed Steve, who said he can't name the source, at least not yet.
The Leaky Cauldron says, "It should be noted that this, while it comes
from a reliable source, is still rumor until confirmed or denied by
Jo & Co. It is, however, strong enough of a rumor to bring to your
Yes, indeed!
-- Judy, who, believe it or not, found out about this while checking
Wikipedia to make sure that no one had changed my Snape entry. How
dare the previous wiki writer say that Snape is "certinly [sic] evil,
and only a few [ha!] fans think he's loyal to Dumbledore."
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