Dragons, Produced and Tickled, and Other Pleasantries

Talisman talisman22457 at talisman22457.yahoo.invalid
Sat Dec 3 05:58:50 UTC 2005

--- In message 3455 of the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, silmariel 
<silmariel at t...> wrote: 

[Considering suitable boggarts for Snape] 

>Hebridean Black - wings similar to that of a bat - feeds mostly on 
>stags -ocasionally hunts big dogs *cough**cough**cough*

Oh, yes ma'am. 

Back in Feb. 2004, peeps on TOL were discussing the meaning of 
*Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus,* and whether it was literal or 
metaphorical.  I noted, in message 90429: 

>No reason why a metaphor can't be played out in the plot.

>There is always Harry's little observation that "Deliberately
>causing mayhem in Snape's potions class was about as safe as poking
>a sleeping dragon in the eye." (CoS 186)

>Nice comparison, eh? Snape/sleeping dragon.

Talisman: Cheered considerably by the notion of tickling Snape, 
awake or asleep.

P.S. To Charme:
Just catching up with posts, and saw your #3442:
>I wanted you to know that I read your posts (Barry, Lyn, Talisman, 
>Catlady, Susan Albrecht, Eustace-Scrubb, pippin, and the others) 
>often out loud to other adult Potterheads who were in shelters or 
>hotels where I stayed during my work with the team - it became an 
>almost nightly affair in a huge shelter for 3 weeks. <Snip of many 
kind words.<

A couple of thoughts hit me simultaneously while reading your post.

1) Although many of us have become spoiled and mutinous of late, we 
ought to refresh our awareness of the gratitude we owe JKR for 
creating what Kneasy has called this *playground* that eases all of 
our loads, and is the root source of all good that comes from both 
the books proper, and all discussion of them. 

2) What a lovely little alchemist you are, Charme.  Taking our idle 
chatter and turning it into a blessing for disaster victims.  Then, 
allowing us the happy sense of having done something worthwhile.  
That's quite a lot of knitting from a little yarn. It's like getting 
a lovely return when you didn't even know you had made an 
investment.  Thank you. 

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