[the_old_crowd] Dragons, Produced and Tickled, and Other Pleasantries

silmariel silmariel at a_silmariel.yahoo.invalid
Sun Dec 4 16:10:31 UTC 2005

> Talisman: Book 7: Harry Potter and the Black Dragon  ::happyshiver::

Anne: having epiphanies
>Holy cow, you're right.  Voldemort is just a red herring, a plot
>device to drive the confrontation and resolution between the real
>protagonists (and antagonists -- literally and literarily), Harry and
>Snape.  It's brilliant.

Oooh. Holy cow, indeed.

Seems we still could be greatly pleasured to have book 7 in hands, after all.

Because, Volvemort is horrible and all the blabla, but, does he interest 
readers as the Harry/Snape dynamic does? No. The hunt for horcruxes + Snape's 
aid at last moment + let's defeat Voldemort, strikes as a bit mechanic and 
boring. We need some bangs.

>Oooh! Good catch. If Snape is a dragon animagus it just might make sense out
>of that out-of-sequence dragon memory in OOP...

Mmm. I think the good catch is yours, with the animagus jump. The fact is it 
wasn't any effort in imagination by my part, only applied experience. I 
explain: I've been "married" to a dragon in a MUD (online text based RPG 
themed game) for more than a year now, so I've had to imagine a dragon in 
very, let's say, atypical, ways, like inside a salon -basically the house is 
the salon- or moving to our garden.

Considering Hebridean Black measures, he perfectly fits in some of Howgards 
chambers, it is quite big without leaving human perspective (some dragons are 
just *too* big and characters get lost at their side). With 9 metres long, I 
doubt is more than 4 m. height.

>"A great black dragon was rearing in front of him....His father and mother 
>were waving at him out of an enchanted mirror....Cedric Diggory was lying on 
>the ground with blank eyes staring at him...."

Ok, this is the last time I don't see anything coming. I'm gonna reread OoP 
and take notes.

Could anyone explain me why dragon liver is 17 sickles an ounce instead of 1 

>I've never liked the idea of animagus Snape because an animagus wouldn't
>need to fear a werewolf. But if he's a gigantic dragon, then he wouldn't
>dare transform in a space as cramped as the tunnel. Love it.

I tend to see him very confident -in his ambient- when he is outdoors. Only a 
feeling and probably derived from movie contamination. Not only he wouldn't 
dare transform in the tunnel, it strikes me also as an unnatural choice of 
terrain for him, if an animagus reflects nature, a tiny space is at least 
uncomfortable to be in. Peter would love it.

> Oops! Reading today's posts and just noticed that, in recapping
> Silmariel's message(3455), I erroneously typed *boggart* (message 3462)
> when I meant to indicate the nature of the snipped conversation--which
> was Silmariel's whole patronus/animagus issue.
> The ol'brain was apparently disconnected.
> While people have gone on reiterating that snip-summary, they seem to
> know what I meant. ???

I didn't.

> Sorry for any confusion.

Nops, that made me think.

Welcome to the Boggart Love Boat - a short AU section.

Supossing your boggart Pat actually attacks your targets and not yourself.

a) what form would it show to a dementor? something warm and happy? may 
dementors be scared of the patronus itself so we could see the boggart's true 

b) could you use it as a portable boggart against wizards?

So, if Dementors were made, the Patronus spell was invented at the same time? 
Makes clear that as a method for comm is new.


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