Smite Albus

Randy estesrandy at
Fri Dec 16 16:03:08 UTC 2005

The Scene:  Voldemort sits by a quiet fire smoking his pipe and 
ponders his next move

Smite Albus
(sung to the tune of  White Christmas)

I'm scheming how to smite Albus
Cause I'm a no good so and so
If Malfoy should miss him
Then I'll be listenin'
To hear
Snape deal him the blow.

I'm scheming how to smite Albus
With every evil plan I write
May his days be numbered tonight
And may all those kids of his feel fright

I'm scheming how to smite Albus
He never trusted me you know
Said I was abusive
Somewhat elusive
Made me return things that I stole.

I'm scheming how to smite Albus
With him my plans never work right
May old Dumbledore die tonight
And may all those kids of his feel fright 

Copyright 2005 by Randy Estes  All magical and muggle rights reserved.

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