Harry's Cloak Was:Re: Dragons, Produced and Tickled, and Other Pleasantries

annemehr annemehr at annemehr.yahoo.invalid
Sat Dec 17 16:11:37 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, silmariel <silmariel at t...> wrote:
> Cloak is tied to: overconfidence, relying too much in a magic gimmick, 
> sometimes taking risks just for fun, as during PoA, or because it
seems the 
> easy way, to take a bath in GoF. The way he has been using his cloak, 
> basically, amounts to something, in the sense that if you take risks, 
> sometimes, obviously, you'll lose.
> Harry has had his way with armed-with-cloack, bending rules, taking
risks, and 
> scaping with it (of course, we as readers love it, but it isn't a
excuse for 
> our hero). It was time that reality caught with him, and if he was
> Malfoy, his issues with Malfoy are the reality to be paid. It is a
blink of 
> anti "sheer dumb luck".

I'm with Silmariel for most of her post -- well, all of it, except
this wasn't the first time Harry relied on the cloak and then screwed
up with it.  In PS/SS he used it to take Norbert up the tower to
Charlie's friends and then *forgot* it, for heaven's sake, when he
came back down.  In PoA, while using it for selfish reasons, he found
that it only worked if it didn't accidentally slip off, and had to
abandon it in the tunnel until Hermione went and got it for him. 
Shortly after which, he abandoned it under a tree for one of his worst
enemies (so he thought) to use against him.  In GoF it transpired that
you could still be discovered if you dropped things out of it and
forgot that handy summoning spell you'd just learned a few months
back.  In OoP, um... well, it wasn't very warm, and it's not an
"invisibility marquee" :P. Then, surprise, surprise, in HBP people can
see your shoes if you jump above their heads.

A certain difficulty learning things and a continuing rash
impetuousity are his real problems, I reckon.  The cloak: "I can go
anywhere with this" and so he still thinks; and Snape: "he is my
enemy" and he still thinks that, too.

who loves that kid

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