
nrenka nrenka at nrenka.yahoo.invalid
Sun Dec 25 05:26:05 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, ewe2 <ewetoo at g...> wrote:
> Mrs Norris is just a cat.
> Wormtail's silver paw is not for Lupin.

Don't forget that Petunia isn't magic and never will be.

Interesting tidbits for me:

Harry was 'obviously magical', which seems to imply that Petunia thus 
really would have known for sure that the kid was a wizard, contra an 
endless debate over on TOL.

Her comments about Lupin's exposure as a werewolf doing "irreparable 
damage to his prospects for a career in teaching" again make me 
wonder whether, in a different world, Lupin could have/would have 
resigned with his reputation intact.  Alas, given the "likes of 
Fenrir Greyback", things are not looking good for werewolves.  
Perhaps instead of ESE!Lupin, Heroic!Lupin will change society's 

Who knows--may the interesting debunkings keep coming.

-Nora finds it time for all good dogs and persons to be in bed

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