'Potter' seems like many other Pureblood names // why Voldie chose Harry

Lyn J. Mangiameli kumayama at kumayama.yahoo.invalid
Sun Dec 25 17:24:38 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Catlady (Rita Prince Winston)" <catlady at w...> 
> Surely picking Harry as the threat because of being mixed-blood like
> him was a unconscious choice (probably rationalized with some
> 'logical' reason why Harry would be more dangerous 

I've always wondered if there were another unconscious, if not outright conscious 
component to the choice. In the early books, we are repeatedly reminded of how very 
much Harry looks like his father, to the point that Harry even mistakes himself for his 
father in POA. Yet in COS it is made very explicit that the young Harry also looks very 
much like the young Riddle. If a sixteen year old Riddle should discern a common 
appearance with Harry, then why not that Riddle also have perceived such a common 
appearance with James (not to mention the commonality of breaking rules, exceptional 
intellect, greater than average magical ability, etc.)? 

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