[the_old_crowd] Re: bugger and All things Snape
Rebecca Bowen
dontask2much at dontask2much.yahoo.invalid
Wed Dec 28 01:21:02 UTC 2005
>Randy said:
> I agree with these Lupin ideas. It may be cliche, but
> you always have battle scenes where certain characters
> fight their counterparts to the death. Lupin versus
> Fenrir seems obvious. Lupin dying is dramatic and
> cleans up the messy life after marriage to Tonks where
> Lupin accidently eats the children one night. It
> would be all over the front page of "the Sun" the next
> week. Further line ups for the Wizard Playoffs are
> listed below:
> Snape must either do battle with Harry or Voldemort or
> both. Snape either saves Harry by killing Voldy or
> vice versa or Snape dies trying. Or Harry kills Snape
> in self defense. McGonagall could kill Peter since
> the Cat kills the Rat. Harry must somehow defeat
> Bellatrix. Perhaps Narcissa kills Bellatrix to redeem
> herself (perhaps after Lucius or Draco dies). Neville
> has to finally mature and kill somebody or else be
> killed because we cannot leave him half-grown up.
> Maybe Neville has to appear to kill Harry in order to
> kill Voldemort. Then Harry magically pops back to
> life using dragon blood or something. The Super Bowl
> of battles must contain Harry versus Voldemort, but
> the old switcheroo is one of JKR's favorites.
> Let's see... who is left. Well the Weasley family
> could lose a few. I see Fleur getting into the fight.
> Maybe she kills Bellatrix. Arthur seems a shoe in
> for Minister of Magic to me. I think Narcissa will
> turn out to be good in the end with or without Lucius
> and Draco.
> This seems to make sense to me based on all the famous
> battles such as the ones in "Lord of the Rings" and
> "Narnia" and so on and so on.
> Red Eye Randy
Rebecca here, fresh from holiday madness:
Place your bets, people. :)
While we certainly have epic scenes where similiar foes battle one another,
I'd submit that a Bill/Fleur combination is as a good a candidate as any to
battle Fenrir - Lupin vs Fenrir is too *easy*, especially as tidy solution
to a potential married Lupin eatin' the young. Personally, I feel that JKR,
being as committed to the concept of human/social rights as she appears to
be and how she professes to like Lupin as she does, will contrive something
successful for him to survive and have some measure of happiness. <shrug>
I'm just sayin' it's possible.
Snape....now there's a quandry. As you point out, Randy, it can go so many
ways, but the one I'm most partial to is Voldemort spouting an AK Sevvie's
way, because IMOVHO (in my own *very* humble opinion) I think it's possible
Severus is going to get too big for his britches and challenge ol' Snake
Nose. I mean, look at it this way: Snape's now going to be infamous for
killing the one wizard that the rest of the free wizard world "considers the
greatestest wizard of modern times" per his Chocolate Frog Card - one whom
LV himself fought once, only once, and didn't win.
Why do I submit this? Dumbledore's own words. LV has no friends,
Dumbledore says, and those DE's who think they're in LV's confidences are
quite wrong. Dumbledore also reiterates that common fault associated with
those who oppress others - sooner or later someone is going to challenge the
oppressor, whether for the good or to supplant the oppressor in some
fashion. Snape's not stupid by any means, as he's been able to successfully
either spy or counter spy between the 2 most powerful wizards in the
wizarding world. JKR has established him as quite powerful in HBP and if
Snape is only in this all for himself......it's not totally inconceivable to
think Snape's got his own agenda for personal power and glory.
I also particularly like the Narcissa/Bellatrix duel - it happens in war
that siblings fight each other. Will Peter, fulfilling his Gollum like role
for Harry, be doomed to some exploding cursed Horcux?
So many possibilities...so little time...
PS: Speak of Horcruxes, anyone else take note that the Castle itself "is a
stronghold of ancient magic?" One wonders if perhaps when LV visited DD way
back when...naw, can't be. He just jinxed the DADA job that time, right?
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