OT: Intro Profile
dfrankiswork at davewitley.yahoo.invalid
Tue Feb 1 22:42:53 UTC 2005
> ***Name:
> David
> ***Nicknames/IDs:
> davewitley (long story), sageofgodalming (on LiveJournal)
> ***Age:
> 46
> ***Family:
> Recently separated from my wife, we share care of our 3 kids.
> ***Home
> Godalming, near Little Whinging, Surrey.
> ***Birthday, Place of Birth:
> 11th May, Copenhagen, Denmark
> ***Education/Job/Role in Life etc:
> BA Mathematics. Now work for a technical consultancy. I have no
role in life that I'm aware of.
> ***Other things we might want to know about you:
> Attending Accio 2005. More to meet the people than to hear the
talks, if truth be told. I spent the early part of my life thinking
I knew the answers; I spent a while trying to find the answers; now
I would die quite happy if I knew what the question is, but am only
moderately hopeful.
> ***First contact with Harry Potter:
> Christmas 1998, son asked for 'Harry Potter' for Christmas, and
got it.
> ***Favourite Potter things (books, characters, ships, fics, objets
> d'Art, general enthusing):
> book - POA; character probably still Arthur Weasley, though I like
Luna Lovegood, too; ship none really but I expect to enjoy
Harry/Ginny in the fulness of time; fic don't read enough to form a
view (I enjoyed Caius Marcius' Snape-Specific though I don't know
the songs, but I don't know if that counts); objets d'art you wha..?
other - I have mixed feelings about jkrowling.com. I can take or
leave the films. I don't feel that making the films more faithful
to the books would make them better since I have no desire to see my
reading experience played out visually: I think my opinion is that
while money says any popular book can be filmed to advantage, I
don't have to agree.
> ***Extent of Potter obsession:
> Gradual decline. I was always semi-detached and ironic, careful
to identify myself as not a fan. Heavily involved in HPFGU for a
while, but always inclined to be more interested in the behaviour of
fellow-inmates than the content of the books. If I ever write a
fictional work as the result of my involvement with Harry Potter it
won't be fanfic but a thinly veiled account of the life of an
internet group.
> ***Other interests/activities:
> Always struggle with this - like Harry's, my mind goes a blank. I
have tried to generalise the HPFGU experience by joining a book
reading group but it meets only once a month. Compared to what
Channel 4 would have you think, it's sadly lacking in sex.
> ***Current/recent reading:
> best thing I read recently was Neil Gaiman's Stardust, and I
intend to try more of his stuff soon. Enjoyed Alexander McCall
Smith's No. 1 Ladies (and felt that far from being patronising to
Botswanans, he used deceptively simplistic language to get over
commentary on quite complex moral and social issues). None of the
Book Group books have really caught me.
> ***Current/recent listening:
Whatever is on Virgin Radio, I'm afraid. Oh, and the Today
> ***Current/recent viewing:
Hardly watch TV these days.
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