OT: Introducing me

cubfanbudwoman susiequsie23 at cubfanbudwoman.yahoo.invalid
Mon Feb 7 05:20:08 UTC 2005

Susan Albrecht

Siriusly Snapey Susan, Cubfanbudwoman


Husband of 14 years, Brian; daughter, Kristen (8), also a big fan; 
son, Jackson (6); two cats, Fumble & Washington; Goldie the goldfish.

Crawfordsville, Indiana

***Birthday, Place of Birth:
February 23, Wyandotte, Michigan

***Education/Job/Role in Life etc:
B.S. in psychology from Earlham College; brief tour at Univ. of 
Tennessee in clinical psychology doctoral program; switched to 
Indiana University for teacher certification [secondary school 
social studies] and an M.A. in counseling.  Bartended, waitressed 
and typed papers through college/grad school years.  Taught for 5 
years.  Now do acquisitions for a small, liberal arts college.  Also 
elected to school board this past spring.

***Other things we might want to know about you:
Hmmm.  Tough to say.  Before kids, I was a sports junkie.  I have a 
propensity for saying "sure" when I should say "no."  One of my best 
traits *and* failings is that I'm awfully soft-hearted.
***First contact with Harry Potter:
A kid I knew from church dressed up as Harry for Halloween, and his 
enthusiasm got my interest piqued.  It must've been Oct. '99, 
because I know that once I was hooked w/ SS, I was able to read the 
next two immediately after.  I was distinctly aware that what was 
drawing me in was JKR's uncanny ability to remember what *mattered* 
to a kid aged 11, 12, 13.

***Favourite Potter things (books, characters, ships, fics, objets
d'Art, general enthusing):
PoA is my favorite book.  
General likes:  Snape's snarkiness, the twins' mischievousness, 
Ron's bluntness, McGonagall's dry wit, DD's twinkle, Crookshanks' 
mysterious abilities, Lupin's quiet presence, Ginny's growing 
strength.  Bummed by Sirius' death.  Love the thought of exploring 
Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley.  Enjoy Harry even though he won't ask 
any damn questions.  Marvel over JKR's penchant for creating cool 
things like Quidditch, the Marauder's Map, and Ton Tongue Toffee.
SHIPs:  favor Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, liked the idea of 
Fanfics:  read *very* few, but loved Arabella & Zsenya's After the 
End, and have read one of Sigune's. :-)
Objects d'art: love my Snape keychain, Snape/MM/DD coffee mug.
***Extent of Potter obsession:
Has grown farther than I expected and farther than I thought my 
family would tolerate.  Have registered for The Witching Hour in 
Salem in October.  Have all US hardbacks, all Jim Dale recordings, 
all movies.  Saw PoA in the theater 6 times [I know, I'm sick].  
Have been known to browse eBay for HP memorabilia.  Have all 
soundtracks [PoA is the best].  Rarely go >2 days w/o visit to The 
Leaky Cauldron.
***Other interests/activities:
Jogging, walking, tennis when I can manage it; reading; HP & other 
online groups; various community service activities; hanging out 
with my kids, since they're still at the age when they *want* me to 
be around.  Oh--and watching Alan Rickman movies.

***Current/recent reading:
I'm *always* reading one of the HPs, and I'm *always* reading one of 
the Betsy-Tacy books by Maud Hart Lovelace.  Other recent reads: 
Devil in the White City; Pullman's The Golden Compass w/ Kristen; 
Walter the Farting Dog w/ Jackson; A Separate Peace; Secret Life of 
Bees; the last three Lilian Jackson Braun The Cat Who... books.

**Current/recent listening:
Rush in Rio; Love, Actually soundtrack; whatever's on the classic 
rock stations; myself trying to brush up my piano playing skills.
***Current/recent viewing:
TV:  Alias, college basketball
Movies:  The Aviator, Kinsey, Finding Neverland, Lemony Snicket 
[didn't like much], Barchester Chronicles [just released on DVD in 
the US!]

Glad to be amongst you,
Siriusly Snapey Susan

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