OT Introducing me too
spotthedungbeetle at dungrollin.yahoo.invalid
Mon Feb 7 10:46:08 UTC 2005
Thanks very much for the invite.
Does it matter?
If that means offspring, no, but I am related to some people.
Currently south London, but will emigrate to West Africa in the next
couple of months, and live a drizzle-free mango-rich mosquito-
infested life in a hammock. Overlooking the lagoon. With gin.
***Birthday, Place of Birth:
April 16th, Kingston-Upon-Thames
***Education/Job/Role in Life etc:
Research entomologist, writing up and soon (ahem) submitting PhD
***Other things we might want to know about you:
I work on dung beetles in West Africa, and it's my dream job, and I
love it, so stop sniggering. I get vertigo, which really irritates
me, because I'm not *frightened* of heights, I just go dizzy. If I
could hibernate through British winters I would. I have an unhealthy
love of the Afrotropics: I've had malaria, which was not
particularly nice, although typhoid was worse, (malaria was just
surreal enough to be interesting, typhoid was rubbish). I can be
quite frighteningly pedantic with regard to subjects about which I
care. The best banana I've ever eaten was in Dabakala, and I never
got over it, I now can't eat the *things* they sell over here under
that name. I overuse punctuation... particularly ellipses... (and
parentheses). I can't be bothered to force myself to like certain
things because other people think I should like them (such as
Dickens and Mozart). The most beautiful green thing I've ever seen
was a baby green mamba.
***First contact with Harry Potter:
Just after GoF came out I was in The King's Arms with a friend, a
barrister, who is not at all given to child-like enthusing, and he
started telling me about the books. After about twenty minutes he
was jumping up and down in his chair and squeaking "Hurrah for
Harry! Hurrah for Harry!" So I thought they might be worth a look.
***Favourite Potter things:
Snape, I suppose. And I like Phineas Nigellus. Though I'm fond of
Hagrid too (I empathise with his fascination for creatures that
others don't like much).
***Extent of Potter obsession:
Mild compared to some - a couple of lists like this. Only told one
friend that I joined HPfGU, and she laughed so much that I haven't
told anyone else.
***Other interests/activities:
General Entomology. Travelling, particularly the tropics, and
particularly in Africa. General natural history. Read quite a lot,
fiction (anything but Dickens), non-fiction (mostly pop-science that
reminds me of things I ought to understand, but don't), occasionally
try for the umpteenth time to get all the way through Tristram
Shandy, and fail. Play the clarinet (though quite badly, these
days). Gin, (ice and lemon easy on the tonic).
***Current/recent reading:
The Poisonwood Bible, Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation, and
I'm half way through Tristram Shandy...
***Current/recent listening:
Not much that's recent, though I've got quite into Gillian Welch.
***Current/recent viewing:
Don't watch much telly, but hooray! Smiley's People is out on
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