OT: And one more introduction

SongBird3411 at songbird3411.yahoo.invalid SongBird3411 at songbird3411.yahoo.invalid
Wed Feb 9 07:53:28 UTC 2005

Thanks for the invitation.  Especially as most of you don't know me.  
I was mostly a lurker at the main list.



Mindy Nolls


It is some variant of Songbird in most places.  That comes from my 
vocal music degree.  Once in a while on a yahoo list it will be 
GoddessNut.  That one came from my love of all things Ancient Egypt 




Currently single.  Parents are married and living elsewhere.  I have 
one brother, younger and also single.


Phoenix, Arizona

***Birthday, Place of Birth:

April 19, Los Angeles, California

***Education/Job/Role in Life etc:

BMusEd with choral emphasis, BA in Music, currently pursuing a MEd.  
Working part time for UPS in an effort to not owe my life to the 
government for all the education loans.

***Other things we might want to know about you:  

I am a book addict.  So much so that my roommate (who is also a book 
addict) and I are thinking about turning our dining room into a 
library.  So, I am always looking for recommendations.  Also, you 
might want to know that despite all that education listed above, I 
honestly have no clue what I want to do with my life.  Shhhh, don't 
tell my parents.

***First contact with Harry Potter:

Shortly after the publication of PoA.  A friend from university was 
doing a teaching internship with a 4th grade class.  She kept 
recommending the books.  I gave her the line, "But they are childrens 
books" approximately 20 times.  She finally gave me the first three 
for Christmas.  Being a book addict, I couldn't help but read them.  
Not read books that are right in front of me?  Fat chance.  I was 
fully caught up in Pottermania for the publication of GoF.

***Favourite Potter things (books, characters, ships, fics, objets
 d'Art, general enthusing):

Book: PoA
Character: Snape, and I have developed a liking for Ron, too.
Ships: Don't do
Fics: Don't do

***Extent of Potter obsession:

Moderate in non-publishing years.  I would say it rises to high in 
publishing years.  Certainly high enough to have passed the addiction 
on to no less than 4 friends.  Also high enough to have convinced 
another friend to attend a release party for HBP.  

Not high enough to wrest me out of lurker mode at HPfGU.  This was 
mainly due to two things.  1.  I was perpetually behind in reading 
posts.  Therefore, 2. Someone almost always responded with my 
thoughts before I could.  I am an avid lurker though.  Perhaps with 
the lower post volume, I will have more success here.

***Other interests/activities:    

I love to hike.  I love to travel.  Also, the aforementioned 
obsession with Egyptology.

***Current/recent reading:

I read multiple things at once, so here goes... (Not including school 

Elizabeth Peters, "Lion in the Valley"
Lois McMaster Bujold, "Memory"
Susanna Clarke, "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell"
Alice Sebold, "The Lovely Bones"
Barbara Kingsolver, "Prodigal Summer"

***Current/recent listening:

Finally managed to upgrade most of my Beatles collection to CD, so I 
have been enjoying that.  
U2- "How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb"
Green Day- "American Idiot"
Of course, my training is in classical music, so I always have 
classical music in the CD player.  Symphonies, Concertos, Opera, 
Choirs, even a few musicals, etc.  Sometimes, I even venture into 
jazz.  Though I am woefully uninformed.

***Current/recent viewing:

Movies:  Recently saw "Million Dollar Baby".  Thought it was okay.  
Saw "House of Flying Daggers".  Thought it was fabulous.
Loved "Sideways", "La Mala Educacion", and "Finding Neverland"

Television:  Laughing every week at "Desperate Housewives".  I can 
now add JJ Abrams "Lost" to my list of addictions.  That is about it 
for television.  Well, now that football is over and baseball doesn't 
start for a couple more months.  Of course, normally I would have 
hockey on every night.  Alas, the hockey lockout has put a damper on 

Thanks again, 

Mindy- who counts herself among those who wish to see Voldemort earn 
his evil status in HBP.  Pretty please, Jo?  Just one or two really 
evil acts?

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