josturgess at
Thu Feb 10 18:57:55 UTC 2005
A magical insect has been bugging me for a while - the mosque?to.
Its natural habitat is overly tilled pasture that is lacking recent
application of fertilising material. Similar to your standard
beastie it has an annoying buzz and the bites itch like crazy.
Unlike its mundane cousin it targets the mind leaving a nasty `?`
shaped welt which begs the victim to ask `what?' a lot. Scratching
at the wound only makes it worse and gets it all inflamed. Should
anyone know of a remedy please apply it to the following.
Why is it one whole year before anyone does anything about the
prophecy? Here it is, the biggest dungbomb in Voldy's plans for a
while, and no one lifts a finger. DD doesn't organise appropriate
protection Voldy doesn't have a go, what's going on?
Imagine for a moment that DD doesn't know Voldy knows, he doesn't
know about that eavesdropper, (although why he wouldn't is odd,
surely someone suspicious enough to be chucked out of the Hog's Head
would prompt a report?) so he decides that protecting Harry and
Neville will only draw attention to them. That's got to be risky.
What about that record in the MOM, someone knows its there, someone
has labelled it and knows the contents because the label gets
updated after the attack on the Potters? Who is this keeper of the
prophecies? Some kind of universal impartial librarian? Anyway its
clearly marked `Dark Lord', your passing cleaning elf might give it
a feathering and just happen to mention to that nice Mr Malfoy it
should probably be more securely sited.
Imagine Voldy does know about the prophecy, but believes DD doesn't
know he knows, what's he waiting for? A favourable cup of tea?
Imagine Voldy doesn't know about the prophecy until a year later.
Why wasn't he told straight away, why does that eavesdropper
suddenly decide to spill the earwax beans, why spill them at all
after a year?
Why would JKR have the prophecy enter stage right and then leave it
lurking in the wings apathetically until the next act? Why not just
bring it on in a timely fashion: prophecy, heard, overheard,
reported, Voldy plan attack, DD plan defence, nasty ratty
spy, 'curses undone' (entire cast) in swift order?
Why wasn't MacGonagall told of the prophecy after the attack on the
Potters? She happily swallows all that bilge about Harry growing
up `normal' in the muggle world as the reason DD leaves him at the
Dursleys when we now know it was a blood protection deal, no one has
told her though, why?
Why did Bellatrix torture the Longbottoms? Why would they know where
Voldy was? Voldy disappeared at the Potters. After Voldy's curse
backfires don't the DEs know immediately that he's a little off
colour? The mark gets stronger with Voldy's improving health so
surely it indicates near death experiences? Why visit the
Longbottoms after Voldy is known to have been defeated by Harry? Did
Bella know Voldy was planning to visit Neville after disposing of
Harry, why was he planning to visit Neville if he'd already `chosen'
Harry? Was she the insurance against the prophecy's duality? If so,
why didn't she finish off Neville, tidy things up a bit?
DD sent Hagrid to GH knowing that Lily and James were dead and Harry
was alive, how did he know this, who told him and why did that
person abandon Harry there?
Cortical calamine lotion anybody?
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