[the_old_crowd] Re: Snipping Puppetmaster!DD

Sean Dwyer ewe2 at ewe2_au.yahoo.invalid
Fri Feb 11 03:20:12 UTC 2005

On Thu, Feb 10, 2005 at 08:07:56PM -0000, Barry Arrowsmith wrote:

> See, stuff like the MoM fight, that's happenstance. DD didn't plan it,
> though I suspect he knew about it while it was happening and was ready
> to act if and when it was required. Because Harry didn't win - DD did.
> He already knew that Harry was full of something (no sniggering please)
> that Voldy couldn't cope with. An AK could  have knocked Harry off, little
> else IMO.
> Same at the climax of PS/SS; monitoring via the Mirror probably.

Giving a teenage witch a Time Turner didn't exactly strike me as being the
kind of prudence MacGonagal usually displays...hmmm, you think? The whole Time
Turner thing (and I know you hate the movies, but there is a use for them)
became particularly disturbing to me as portrayed in the PoA movie; especially
as it seems a deliberate hint that DD is, shall we say, a little more
_tricksy_ than we supposed (great big whopping hint IMHO).

> DD whitters on about choices. He just hasn't allowed many to Harry.
> Not big stuff, anyway. His business has been in forging and putting an
> edge on Weapon!Harry. He has no choice, there is no other alternative, not
> since Godric's Hollow.

Yeah the whole 'we are our choices' thing. Strange that the whole WW
socio-political backdrop has an oddly Zoroastrian cast to it. That's right,
the forces of light vs the forces of dark. Except under that theme, there is
no choice, it's been preordained. The MoM scenes in OotP were another nod to
this split between the goodies and the baddies, the ragnark to come. So is
JKR attempting the incredible feat of reconciling Northern and Mid-Eastern
myth? Or are we going for the Old Testament/New Testament split, that was then
but this is now, chill out dudes theme? Doesn't the idea of all magical beings
living together in peace and hermione strike anyone here as a tad gauch?

> But. Yep. There's a but. 
> DD can't control or predict one important thing.
> The Voldy fragment that's in Harry. That's the wild card. That could screw 
> his plans completely. I'm willing to bet it was that invader than affected
> Harry's attitudes in OoP - stroppy, stubborn, argumentative, and resulting
> in the Occlumency cock-up.

Then again it could be the 'why was I chosen?', 'my life appears to be
controlled by a world I increasingly understand and increasingly dislike'
kinds of syndrome :)

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