Neri/OT: Intro/Theorising
nrenka at
Fri Feb 11 23:15:48 UTC 2005
--- In the_old_crowd at, "nkafkafi" <nkafkafi at y...>
> Neri wonders who is the personification of conspiracy theories, and
> how he/she would get along with Faith <shudder>
Suspicion--a decidedly ratty sort of fellow, although oddly enough,
he is often very well-dressed as he is able to pass in the best of
circles, even dominating them at times. Equally at home in a tuxedo
and a nice set of rags.
The inestimable Paul Ricoeur set those two up as perpetually feuding
siblings back in the early 70's, and there is considerably worse we
could do than to follow his lead.
-Nora admits to being a professional fan of the hermeneutics of
faith, as well
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