Haggridd, good friend and legendary filker
judy at judyserenity.yahoo.invalid
Sat Feb 12 02:47:53 UTC 2005
"constancevigilance" wrote:
>> ========
> John passed away on January 22nd at his home in Aiken, South
> Carolina. I know how much John's "Harry Potter" friends (and on-
> line chats) ment to him and I'd like to be sure that everyone that
> was in contact with John thru the website realize that they played
> a very special part in his life. (he may not have said it
> that way exactly, but you know what I mean)
> If you could pass this message on, I would appreciate it.
> ========
Oh, my -- I am catching up here and was saddened to read this.
I didn't have much contact with John, but saw him on the lists. It
is always so shocking to here that a "cyber-friend" is gone!
I wonder if there is some way we can convey our condolences to his
-- Judy
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