OT FILK Chamber of Secrets Blues
Randy Estes
estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Sun Feb 13 22:36:42 UTC 2005
Chamber of Secrets Blues
(sung to the tune of Heartbreak Hotel)
(words by Randy Estes)
Well since my baby left me,
I found a new place to dwell.
Its down in the Chamber of Secrets
At the bottom of this well.
Ive been so lonely
Ive been so lonely
Ive been so lonely you could die!
Then Ginny found the diary
And started to take a peek.
I took over her mind,
And started freezing kids for weeks!
They felt so lonely
They felt so lonely, baby
Theyll be so lonely, they could die!
But darn that Moaning Myrtle,
She looked me in the eye.
Then shes been flooding the girls bathroom
With her tears ever since she died!
She feels so lonely
She feels so lonely
She feels so lonely since she died!
Then Harry found the diary
And came to see my home.
I almost got that kid.
Before he stabbed the diary with my bone !
Tom Riddles lonely
His basilisk fell like a stone yeah
Harry took his only
Way to get outside !
So Dumbledores schools back open
And Riddle has faded to gray.
But dont you get too comfortable
Cause Voldys going to have another day!!!!
Youll be so lonely
Watching Wormtails boney
Arm while he unties you with only
One good arm!
So look out Harry Potter
And tell your friends to run.
Cause no Half Blood Prince can save you
>From this Evil Son of a Gun !!!!
Voldys been so lonely
Wants to rule you only
Hes tired of being boneless
Since he almost died !!!!
Yeah baby , just call me Lonely Voldy !!!!!!!
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