Themes and theories

nrenka nrenka at
Tue Feb 15 20:28:39 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at, "pippin_999" <foxmoth at q...> 

<massive snip>

>  In order to resist that manipulation one must  choose what is 
> right over what is easy. But according to Dumbledore AKA Jo,  we 
> should have sympathy for those  who are too weak to do so, for 
> they are what the cruelty and indifference of others has made 
> them. So Dumbledore has sympathy for Kreacher, and IMO, Jo 
> has sympathy for ESE!Lupin, too.

ESE!Lupin is a theory that I admit to enjoying reading, for one 
primary reason:

It's completely and *utterly* testable.

It will live or die in empirical fact; it will be true, or not true.  
There's not much room for shades of ambiguity in the current state of 
ESE!Lupin, unless you want to separate it out into component parts: 
Lupin who killed Sirius but didn't kill Cedric--oh, an infinite 
number of combinations!

But now I have to ask Pippin; let me give you a hypothetic, that the 
factual postulations (Lupin did X, Y, and Z) completely fail to fall 
out as you say they will.  Does that screw your particular reading of 
theme as well, if/when it happens?

-Nora prefers knee-high boots to Mary Janes, all in all

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