[the_old_crowd] Re: Themes and theories

Sean Dwyer ewe2 at ewe2_au.yahoo.invalid
Wed Feb 16 03:35:59 UTC 2005

On Tue, Feb 15, 2005 at 10:07:30PM -0500, susiequsie23 wrote:

>   Is she a Christian?
>   ``Yes, I am,'' she says. ``Which seems to offend the religious 
>   right far worse than if I said I thought there was no God. Every 
>   time I've been asked if I believe in God, I've said yes, because I 
>   do, but no one ever really has gone any more deeply into it than 
>   that, and I have to say that does suit me, because if I talk too 
>   freely about that I think the intelligent reader, whether 10 or 60, 
>   will be able to guess what's coming in the books.''

This is a quote I fear encourages many an HPfGU fan to avoid the wider view of
the books; I don't blame them since it's a very disappointing gaffe by JKR
IMHO, although not without a certain irony. If Harry goes off into the
figurative desert, I shall have to write to the Times.

And speaking of foreshadowings, the long season of chapter discussions of OotP
is finally ended! The (so far) most torturous complicated volume of
Potterverse is finally precisis-ed out with thoughtful q&a's chapter by
chapter. The list elves should all be knighted for this ardous task, it makes
rereading OotP much easier in the leadup to HBP. And for ease of use, excuse
my putting my version of the list here for you all to hop to by chapter:

Ch.  Title:                    Poster:           YY-MM-DD:   Post Number:
~ 01 (Dudley Demented)         Pip (bluesqueak)  03-07-07    68149   
~ 01 (Dudley Demented)         Pip (bluesqueak)  03-10-06    82399   
~ 02 (A Peck of Owls)          Kelley            03-07-20    72009 / 72010   
~ 02 (A Peck of Owls)          Kelley            03-10-13    82827   
~ 03 (The Advance Guard)       Ali               03-08-08    76055   
~ 03 (The Advance Guard)       Ali               03-10-20    83205   
~ 04 (Number Twelve, 
     Grimmauld Place)          Eloise            03-10-27    83659   
~ 05 (The Order of the 
      Phoenix)                 Pippin            03-11-10    84622   
~ 06 (The Noble and Most 
      Ancient House of Black)  Claire            03-11-24    85863   
~ 07 (The Ministry of Magic)   KathyK            03-12-08    86780   
~ 08 (The Hearing)             Oryomai           03-12-23    87462  
~ 09 (The Woes of Mrs. 
      Weasley)                 Abigail           04-01-10    88304/88305
~ 10 (Luna Lovegood)           Kirstini          04-01-20    89155  
~ 11 (The Sorting Hat's New 
      Song)                    Marianne          04-02-13    90812  
~ 12 (Professor Umbridge)      Jen Reese         04-02-19    91184  
~ 13 (Detention with Dolores)  Penny             04-03-01    91834  
~ 14 (Percy and Padfoot)       Penapart          04-03-15    93024  
~ 15 (The Hogwarts High 
      Inquisitor)              Debbie            04-03-29    94334  
~ 16 (In the Hog's Head)       Melody            04-04-13    95772  
~ 17 (Educational Decree 
      Number Twenty-Four) Pt 1 Elisabeth         04-04-26    97025
      Part 2                                     04-05-01    97352
~ 18 (Dumbledore's Army)       Amy Z             04-05-25    99345
~ 19 (The Lion and the 
      Serpent)                 Melody            04-06-01    99837
~ 20 (Hagrid's Tale)           Petra             04-06-21   102219   
~ 21 (The Eye of the Snake)    Dicentra          04-06-27   102932   
~ 22 (St. Mungo's Hospital     
      for Magical Maladies     
      and Injuries)            Wendy St. John    04-07-06   104467   
~ 23 (Christmas on the Closed 
      Ward)                    Amber             04-07-19   106898   
~ 24 (Occlumency)              Melanie           04-08-04   108736 (repost of 108735)
~ 25 (The Beetle at Bay)       KathyK            04-09-02   111792   
~ 26 (Seen and Unforeseen)     Sunnylove         04-09-15   112921   
~ 27 (The Centaur and the 
      Sneak)                   Petra             04-09-24   113688
~ 28 (Snape's Worst Memory)    Alla              04-10-06   114902
~ 29 (Career Advice)           Potioncat         04-10-18   115789
~ 30 (Grawp)                   Debbie            04-11-03   117118   
~ 31 (O.W.L.s)                 Juli              04-11-15   117895   
~ 32 (Out of the Fire)         Juli              04-11-23   118332   
~ 33 (Fight and Flight)        Anita             04-12-06   119379
~ 34 (The Department of 
      Mysteries)               Abbi              04-12-21   120207
~ 35 (Beyond the Veil)         meriaugust        05-01-03   121041
~ 36 (The Only One He Ever 
      Feared)                  arudemechanincal  05-01-18   122222 (pt1)
                                                 05-01-20   122444 (pt2)
~ 37 (The Lost Prophecy)       dumbledore11214   05-02-06   124028
~ 38 (The Second War Begins)   danfeeney         05-02-15   124570      

There is now no excuse for OotP confusion :) Let's pray there aren't as many
chapters to HBP (only BIG ones)!

"You know your god is man-made when he hates all the same people you do."

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