OT chatter from a child of a lesser god ( I suppose)
Randy Estes
estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Wed Feb 16 03:44:40 UTC 2005
Was Lilly already a most unwanted
> competitor for Jame's
> > attention?
Oh my god!
Are you saying that Lilly is the Yoko Ono of the
Peter must be Ringo. I guess Lupin is George?
Perhaps the Malfoys represent the Eastman family.
Just trying to return to earth with a little laughter
after launching into the 8th dimension reading some of
these posts!
While I find reading some of these other longer posts
to be challenging after a long day of statistics
class, I tend to spend more of my time inside the
upper and lower control limits. I kind of like
looking at life a little closer to the mean.
Just think. If I had not read the first book to my
son, I would not be reading these incredible literary
criticisms. I just thought the plot twists were fun
to read and the characters were interesting. I gave
it a 9 because it has a nice beat and I can dance to
--- Barry Arrowsmith <arrowsmithbt at ...>
> --- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "kumayama"
> <kumayama at e...> wrote:
> >
> > This brings up an interesting (at least for me)
> consideration. What
> > did Peter think of James and Lily having a child?
> If he remained so
> > "star-struck" with James, or at least invested in
> his relationship with
> > James, what did he think of having to share
> Jame's attention with
> > others. Was Lilly already a most unwanted
> competitor for Jame's
> > attention? Recall the photo Moody shares with
> Harry in which Peter
> > has positioned himself between James and Lilly.
> Is this not faintly
> > remiscent of how a child or dog will interject
> between two adults
> > sharing affection. So what then might a Potter
> child represent to Peter?
> > Would not the child draw yet more attention away
> from Peter, and
> > would it not further cement the James-Lilly
> relationship to the
> > detriment of Peter? If Peter looked at it this way
> (and of course there
> > is no direct canon to indicate this) might he not
> actually be interested
> > in LV doing away with the youngster, and perhaps
> even James as a
> > result of him feeling slighted that the Jame's had
> diminished his
> > attention towards Peter for his new role as
> parent.
> Um. The dynamics of all-male groups.
> Enter a female who ensnares the leader, displacing
> all the others - his closest
> friends.
> Resentments, jealousies - who knows what might have
> been unleashed.
> The positionings in that photograph have been the
> subject of speculation
> in the past. Little agreement as to its significance
> though. Is he intruding
> between James and Lily? A would-be Iago? A devious
> destroyer, Uriah Heap
> style? Or are we reading it wrong?
> Perhaps the Potters are acting in a protective
> manner, one each side to
> give him feelings of security. No, didn't think
> you'd like that one.
> Usually I work to the principle that I may be wrong
> but I'm not uncertain.
> Can't seem to get that to work with Peter, it's
> uncertainty all the way.
> "You should have died [...] rather than betray your
> friends, as we would
> have done for you."
> Somehow the idea of Sirius dying for Peter... er, I
> don't think so - or is
> that my ESE!Sirius inclinations showing? James
> though, what would he
> sacrifice for Peter? A lot but not everything IMO,
> certainly not his family.
> And Peter wouldn't sacrifice himself to save James -
> let alone Lily or Harry.
> If - and that's a big if - we believe the situation
> as described in PoA.
> Before GH? Peter is so weak, ineffectual, that it
> wouldn't surprise me if
> he didn't see Harry as an opportunity to get closer
> and to get more attention
> from James. To use your dog metaphor, I can see him
> sitting by the cradle,
> wagging his tail.
> That always pleases the parents. And the dog stays
> in the warm.
> Not a great deal of help, I'm afraid. I just can't
> get a firm grip on Peter.
> There's something missing, or at least my instinct
> so insists. What?
> Dunno.
> Frustrating.
> Kneasy
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