[the_old_crowd] Re: Themes and theories
Mike & Susan Gray
aberforthsgoat at aberforths_goat.yahoo.invalid
Wed Feb 16 16:00:16 UTC 2005
Naama pondered,
> I don't think that Tom Riddle had a love protection - as it would
> undermine the point of the efficacy of Love. <snip>
Great to see you Naama! - but I don't see a problem there.
A Harry, progeny of amity, vs. Voldemort, scion of enimity, scenario
would be workable. But you could work it out David's way, too. Imagine
if Voldemort were to discover that the root of all his power is not his
own mojo but a strapping big dose of Mummy woovie Voldie.
It's the sort of subversive twist that JKR might like, and could allow
some interesting thoughts about human nature - for example, that not
even hatred evil are possible without love and goodness. (And besides:
Jo's comments about not calling his Unmentionability "Voldie" are
obviosuly a subtrefuge for something, eh?)
BTW, the fact that I've even briefly entertained (or even been
entertained by) this theory is conlcusive proof that it'll never happen.
Which is a pity.
> > Harry is able to cast Voldemort off by
> > direct appropriation of the love between him and Sirius - consider
> > the parallel with the Christian sloughing of Mosaic ritual.
> Feeling dense here - I don't get the last bit about Mosaic ritual.
> Could you elaborate on that?
That's long shot on David's part, but clever. In his epistles Paul talks
about faith in God's grace replacing the need to observe the details of
Mosaic (Old Testament) law. Ergo, the love inside of Harry turns out to
be more powerful than Voldemort's ability to manipulate magic. Love
trumps Technique, Essense trumps Manipulation, Emotion trumps Reason,
Internal vulnerability trumps External Mastery. Or some such. (Love
trumps Hate isn't quite the point, btw.)
[NB: I'm on vacation at my in-laws and working from a dial-up, so if
several dozen other people have already answered - which happened to me
this morning - sorry! I'd forgotten that following a feast action list
over a dial-up connection demands stategic thinking!]
Aberforth's Goat (a.k.a. Mike Gray)
"Of course, I'm not entirely sure he can read,
so that may not have been bravery...."
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