Reminder on posting rules

Neil Ward neilward at
Wed Feb 16 20:04:40 UTC 2005

Naama referred to the Humongous Bigfile...

Neil, wearing the cloak of invincibility (not very effective), 

Naama makes a very good point, although I should perhaps clarify that 
The Old Crowd is not part of HPfGU or operating under its rules, 
despite featuring some of its current and former denizens.

The aim here is to keep the rules fewer and simpler than those 
outlined in The Humongous Bigfile.  Part of the logic behind that is 
that a smaller list of experienced posters shouldn't need to read 
through a stack of rules to know what's acceptable; so we state, 
briefly in the ToC rules: 

"We observe accepted netiquette in terms of behaviour and 

Relaxed rules do not, however, mean it's fine to: 

(a) ignore such handy things as snipping and attribution, which can 
help the reader follow the thread of a discussion.  

(b) be downright rude, inconsiderate or summarily dismissive of 
others' views, styles and analytical techniques.  

Yes, that has happened this side of Christmas... 

One last thing:  Since not all of us are reading HPfGU, it's 
important to avoid the assumption that everyone here is familiar with 
every HPfGU thread and every acronym coined along the way. Spare a 
thought for us old'uns.

I shall now stow the ceremonial moderator jackboots and leave you as 
you were.

Neil, exhumed mechanimagus

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