Apparate to Possess

confusinglyso pjcousins at
Thu Feb 17 00:18:18 UTC 2005

Post Number 1105  "susiequsie23"  SSSusan: Tue Feb 15, 2005 asked
<<Is it your belief, then, Phil, that the link is *totally* closed 
at this point, because of the "unsplinching"? Or is the link still 
somehow open via the scar, but it won't be as strong or as useful to 
Siriusly Snapey Susan>>

confusinglyso  Phil
I think the 'mind' link may be gone because of the 'unsplinching' 
using the
<< DD's crooked nose was inches from Harry's as Harry
recovered from the possession, so DD was probably checking by eye 
contact whether LV could still be seen in Harry's eyes.
This may explain how DD was able to face Harry back at Hogwarts>>
extract from my start post 1103 as evidence. Of course, everything 
falls apart if Dumbledore was able to look Harry in the eyes just 
because Voldemort was busy being consoled Bellatrix!


Post Number 1131  Barry Arrowsmith, Kneasy    Wed Feb 16, 2005 
<< Splinching is regarded as poorly exercised magic. What happened 
between Harry and Voldy at GH was an unintended result, yes - but a 
result of the protection that had been emplaced rather than sloppy 
casting on the part of his evilness, I think. Mind you, explaining a 
split personality in terms of apparating would make a mental 
division easier to envisage and accept.
But it's the result that counts. Voldy was split. >>

confusinglyso  Phil
The unintended result was Voldy losing his body. He lost his body as 
a result of Lily's (and possibly Dumbledore's) protection.
Voldy, because of his experiments/precautions was not dead but in 
some vapour form. The only ability we are told Voldemort had left 
when bodiless was that of Possession  GoF, Chapter 'The Death 
Eaters', page 567 UK.
 As Harry was the only living thing to hand, Voldy, perhaps in
desperation, possessed Harry. How Voldemort left Harry will be in
another post, but it was when leaving Harry that the 'splinching' 

Kneasy continued
<<Shamefully, despite all my past whitterings about Voldy invading 
Harry, the thought that there's a reciprocal deal, that part of 
Harry now resides in Voldy has never occurred to me.>>

confusinglyso Phil
I think it's the "reciprocal deal" that enables the 'mind' link to 

Post Number 1132  pippin_999, Pippin    Wed Feb 16, 2005 

      > GoF. Voldy overcomes Lily's protection, he can touch Harry,
      and it's from there that we can trace the mind connection
      between the two.

      Um, are you saying the specific mind connection is traced from
      when Voldy overcomes Lily's protection? Because that's not so. 
      It dates from the beginning of GoF, not the end. Harry has two
      specific visions that year; one of Voldemort plotting his  
      death and the other, later in the year, of the report that
      Crouch Snr. has been killed.

Pippin >>

confusinglyso Phil
Your observations, Pippin, are difficult for me to overcome.
>From my original post 1103
<<When LV left Harry at GH, theory still being dusted, he splinched
himself (and Harry)so that a part of LV remained in Harry, and part
of Harry was in LV.
Hence the mind link, stronger than the scar link, when LV regained a
body at the end of GoF.>>
I proposed the 'mind' link existing from when Voldemort had his new 
body, Kneasy from same time but for different reason, that Voldy had 
overcome Lily's protection.
The two visions you rightly mention could be argued as Harry viewing 
to one side, he was a spectator, he was not inside Voldemort's head, 
(or the snake's body).
An alternative argument could use the fact that Voldemort did have a 
body from the start of GoF, (he was able to use a wand even in the 
first vision). It is the spectator viewpoint in GoF I'm finding a 
problem. I do not think these visions can be explained using the 
scar rather than the 'mind' link.

I guess I've shown my thoughts above, so I'd better tidy 
the 'theory'.
Voldemort had a 'baby' body at the beginning of GoF. The 'mind' link 
started to develop resulting in the 'visions'. They may have been 
visions, as a spectator, because the 'baby' was non human. At the 
end of GoF, Voldemort became 'mortal', can we equate that to human? 
With Voldemort 'human', the 'mind'link with Harry improved through 
the book until it was bi-directional. No such development happened 
in GoF, as far as we know.


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