[the_old_crowd] Re: OT chatter, Father Time

Randy Estes estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Fri Feb 18 04:55:04 UTC 2005

 Lyn wrote:

> The whole idea of DD amassing house elfs at Hogworts
> to both protect them and build a 
> future army is rather elegant in its efficiency. How
> consistent it would be that the elves 
> who do so much to care for the students, all without
> any recognition from the students or 
> anyone else, would also selflessly go to war to
> protect those same students. <

I just feel that the underlying theme in this series
is that the bad guys always overlook the abilities of
the good guys.  

The aristocratic Lucius sees Dobby as unimportant and
no threat to anyone. Professor Quirrell sees Harry as
just a stupid boy at the end of book one.  Tom Riddle
sees Ginny as just another silly girl and Harry and
the Phoenix as no threat to him.  Professor Lockhart
underestimates Ron and Harry near the end of book two.
 Cornelius Fudge underestimates the children in book
three.  Voldemort underestimates Harry at the end of
book four.  The Death Eaters underestimate the school
kids at the end of book five.

I think that JKR wants children to see their own
abilities and not to feel inadequate.  (Just look at

The power of Dumbledore is his ability to see that
potential in Harry and the other children and to
foster their growth.  Dumbledore encourages while
Voldemort belittles others.

Given this recurring theme of underestimating the
little guy, I am projecting that everyone is
underestimating the power of the house elves.


Lyn wrote:
>I do wonder, 
> just what is the predominant hair color of the
> elves? and also their lifespan?
> Lyn  

I would think they would have red hair because they
are the "wee people" so often talked about in Irish
folk stories.  

Randy (whose red beard has some connection to that
part of the world if you go back 400 years)

> I bet the erudite references and
> multi-syllabic words will significantly fall off
> over 
> the next six months.
> Lyn  

By the way, I immediately realized that I should have
said (who uses "fewer" multi-syllabic words on average
than anyone else in this group)

I may be brief, but that is no excuse for bad grammar.

--- "Lyn J. Mangiameli" <kumayama at ...>

> I like it Randy, 
> The whole idea of DD amassing house elfs at Hogworts
> to both protect them and build a 
> future army is rather elegant in its efficiency. How
> consistent it would be that the elves 
> who do so much to care for the students, all without
> any recognition from the students or 
> anyone else, would also selflessly go to war to
> protect those same students. 

> Lyn  
> --- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, Randy Estes
> <estesrandy at y...> wrote:
> > Okay the evidence is merely circumstantial...
> > snip> 
> > Dumbledore has many house elves at Hogwarts much
> to
> > Hermione's dissappointment.  But like in
> "Schindler's
> > List" perhaps he is protecting them from the
> ownership
> > of others. I think he is preparing for the great
> > battle when he can release them all at once and
> ask
> > for their help!  Lucius was easily overcome by
> Dobby,
> > so imagine a room full of elves against a room
> full of
> > wizards.
> > 
> >snip> 
> > Randy 
> > (who uses less multi-syllabic words on average
> than
> > anyone else in this group) ;0)
> > 

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