[the_old_crowd] Re: OT chatter from a child of a lesser god ( I suppose)
Randy Estes
estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Sat Feb 19 16:43:41 UTC 2005
You know the George Harrison as Lupin theory also has
some merit.
If you remember the photos of Harrison from the "All
Things Must Pass" album, he has so much hair he must
have been a werewolf! ;0)
Perhaps his spiritual journey was his attempt to
overcome this life as a werewolf!
Now feeling like I have added something truly silly to
the HP discussions, I can see my work here is done for
the day!
--- davewitley <dfrankiswork at ...> wrote:
> A Goldfeesh wrote, concering the identification of
> Ringo Starr with
> Peter Pettigrew:
> > I Have Proof! In 1978 Ringo had a tv movie
> "Ringo" in which he
> had
> > an alter ego named...Rrats, Ognir Rrats to be
> precise. Need I say
> > more?
> In the film 'Help', as I recollect, some scientists
> (or is it the
> sinister Indians?) try to cut off one of Ringo's
> fingers. The case
> is looking pretty solid to me.
> David
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