[the_old_crowd] Re: magic time turner

Sean Dwyer ewe2 at ewe2_au.yahoo.invalid
Sun Feb 20 15:42:19 UTC 2005

On Sun, Feb 20, 2005 at 03:16:45PM -0000, Judy wrote:

> So, once Dumbledore *knows* that the events of GoF have happened, he 
> also knows that he can't change them. 

The trouble is, you have no idea whether he participated in the events or not.
You say rightly, neither did Harry and Hermione, and yet they DID cause those
events to pass. As long as noone is aware of his knowledge of events, how is
anyone able to challenge DD? The PoA movie took that one step further by very
obviously showing DD knowingly participating in the events he knew H & H to be
reshaping, suggesting he'd already worked out what would need to happen. Your
mind sort of folds up and puts itself away at that point :)

> I'm curious -- why would your theory make Snape wonderful? 

MAGIC DISHWASHER is not my theory, it's Pippins :) To accept some crucial
evidence (and there's a LOT of it all tied together), you have to believe that
Snape is not only far more talented than you realized (to the point of
tactical genius), but that he is the world's greatest actor, and that most if
not all his exterior persona is completely bogus to mislead everyone except DD
of course who's in on the conspiracy which is such a long story itself, I
suggest you read the theory for yourself, it's worth doing BTW.

My objection is that I don't believe Snape is putting on a total act. It is
possible that he acted the way Pippin believes he did in the Shrieking Shack,
in order to make it credible that 13yo wizards defeated him, but I apply
Occam's Razor and say it is not necessary to make him Super!Snape to make the
scene credible. It doesn't mean that Snape is not conspiring in some way with
DD, but the whole point of the theoretic contortions is to make it reasonable
that Snape and DD wanted Pettigrew to escape. It's a very clever theory based
on a very clever reading of events. It just stretches =my= reading of Snape
too far, but as Snape is still such a grey character, it's still viable.


"You know your god is man-made when he hates all the same people you do."

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