[the_old_crowd] Resolving (?) the Riddle/Rubber Glue Theory Revealed

Randy Estes estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Tue Feb 22 01:44:08 UTC 2005

snips from Charme and Naamagatus

> "naamagatus" uttered:
> > Since reading OoP, I've come to (slowly) realize
> that the main
> > questions in HP revolve, not Harry Potter, but
> Voldemort. Aftera all,
> > JKR often signals the reader via names (Sirius
> Black, Remus Lupin,
> > Dolores Umbridge, etc.) - surely "Riddle" must be
> significant?!
> > Then came the interview, where JKR directed us to
> think of the two
> > questions:
> > 1) Why didn't Voldemort die in GH?
> > 2) Why didn't DD try to kill him in the MoM?
>  <snip>
> Charme:
> FINALLY, a topic which has some bite (pardon the
> pun) and not the same old 
> "Harry this, Snape that."  Thank you, thank you,
> thank you!!!! :) Forgive me 
> for having to snip so liberally what I felt to be
> one the best 
> thought-provoking posts on any of the groups I
> frequent in many months.
> >At the end of PS, in what seems almost a
> > fulfilment of this cryptic utterance, we get to
> actually see
> > Voldemort - and he is indeed described as having
> inhuman, *snake
> > like* features.
> >
> <snip>
> >We know, from
> > Voldemort's words in the graveyard, that his
> transformations had one
> > purpose - immortality. From this we can conclude
> that his snakiness
> > is linked to the search for immortality.

>From all of these posts regarding why Voldy did not
die and whether he has the essence of a snake, I keep
getting the image of the snake shedding his skin.

Perhaps Voldemort decided to separate his soul from
his body by agreeing to shed his skin or change bodies
over time if given immortality.  He apparently bore
little resemblance to Tom Riddle when an adult.
Perhaps he had already shed his Tom Riddle skin before
the Harry Potter incident. Once his body is destroyed
he must find a new one(like Professor Quirrell), and
he has the ability to exist for long periods without
one.  In each of the books, he has a different form
from the one before sort of like having a new skin.

Not much new here, but I am talking this through for

> So, in contradistinction to the phoenix,
> > the snake would symbolise immortality achieved
> through fake dying or
> > cheating death .

Harry is beginning to resemble the Phoenix which
somehow rises from the ashes of death.  He should have
died in the first book when he was attacked as a baby.
 He should have died in the second book, but the
Phoenix tears healed his wounds in the nick of time. 
In the third book, He should have died from the
Dementor's kiss, but his own Patronus scared the
Dementors away at the last second.  He should have
died in book four when Voldy says AK but Harry 
doesn't because the phoenix feather wand saved him. 
He should have been destroyed by Voldy in book five in
MOM, but he does not. I don't remember why he didn't
since it has been a while since I read Five.

Or maybe, his mother Lilly used the ancient spell she
learned in grade school, to save Harry the baby when
she said.

"I'm Rubber, You're glue
Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you!"
Voldy laughs at the silly school girl but gets zapped
before he realizes his mistake!

(who can never really take this too seriously for a
very long time having been hit with the silly curse
during his early childhood);0)

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