[the_old_crowd] The Protection of the Prophecy Plot (Was: Themes and theories)

Magda Grantwich mgrantwich at mgrantwich.yahoo.invalid
Sat Feb 26 14:15:37 UTC 2005

> Catherine wrote:
> Yes, there is the whole insanity thing to get
> around, but why on earth couldn't they have just smashed it? 
> Dumbledore, after all, had (allegedly) perfect recollection of it. 
> I can only think of two reasons - one, that Voldemort wasted almost
> a whole year trying to get hold of the prophecy, and so bought
> Dumbledore some time, and two, that he was trying to lure Voldemort
> into revealing himself at the Ministry, which he presumably
> expected only to work if Voldemort failed to lure Harry there
> first, hence the importance of occlumency.>

I don't fault Dumbledore during the summer and fall; having it
tantalizingly available as a decoy to keep Voldemort focussed was a
good strategy.  

But once Snape told Dumbledore in the spring that Harry was not
practicing and that he was dreaming stronger dreams about the DOM,
then Dumbledore should have had it destroyed because he should have
known that Harry might be led to make a trip to the MoM.  

Dumbledore knows what Harry is capable of by this point.  Just
telling himself, "he's safe at Hogwarts" wasn't good enough.


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