[the_old_crowd] HP Deeper Meanings for Death Eaters

Randy Estes estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Sun Feb 27 03:32:07 UTC 2005

Regarding a possible origin for the idea of Death

"This philosopher was a disciple of Plotinus, and was
born in Batanea, in Syria, in the year 233 A.D. "

"The realm of the soul, being semi-material, has its
inhabitants possessing semi-material (astral) forms.
Some of them arc good, others evil; some are kindly
disposed towards man, others are malicious. Both
classes have ethereal but changeable bodies; the good
ones are masters of their bodies and desires, the evil
ones are governed by the desires of their bodies. They
are all powers for good or for evil, divine, animal,
or diabolic invisible influences creating, by their
interior activity, passions, desires, vices, and
virtues in the souls of beings. The more evil they
are, the more do their forms approach the corporeal
state. They then live on the exhalations of matter;
they  induce men to murder and to kill animals, they
enjoy the vapours arising from the victims, and grow
fat by 
absorbing the ethereal substances of the dying. They
are, therefore, always ready to incite men to wars and
crimes, and they collect in great crowds in places
where men or animals are killed."

The Death Eaters are thereby described as those who
absorb the ethereal substances of the dying.

--- Randy Estes <estesrandy at ...> wrote:

>> I found a couple of more that refer to Death Eaters
> which I will post later.
> Randy
> --- Sean Dwyer <ewe2 at ...> wrote:
> > On Tue, Feb 15, 2005 at 10:07:30PM -0500,
> > susiequsie23 wrote:
> > 
> > >   Is she a Christian?
> > > 
> > >   ``Yes, I am,'' she says. ``Which seems to
> offend
> > the religious 
> > >   right far worse than if I said I thought there
> > was no God. Every 
> > >   time I've been asked if I believe in God, I've
> > said yes, because I 
> > >   do, but no one ever really has gone any more
> > deeply into it than 
> > >   that, and I have to say that does suit me,
> > because if I talk too 
> > >   freely about that I think the intelligent
> > reader, whether 10 or 60, 
> > >   will be able to guess what's coming in the
> > books.''
> > 
> > This is a quote I fear encourages many an HPfGU
> fan
> > to avoid the wider view of
> > the books; 
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