A BIAS in the Pensieve: A Batty Idea About Snape
melclaros at melclaros.yahoo.invalid
Sun Feb 27 21:28:25 UTC 2005
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Charme" <dontask2much at y...> wrote:
> From: "melclaros"
> Oh no. *Please* tell me you didn't just say you thought this was the
> Vampire!Snape theory you're hit with *first thing* without reading
the post
> ;) BTW, if you care to share, why would the Vampire!Snape theory (or
> theory) drive you away from a group?
I read the post--the best I could without becoming dizzy. That's not a
dig at the poster, I've seen formatting problems on lots of posts on
lots of yahoo groups and there doesn't ever seem to be a specific
reason for any of them.
Why would it drive me away? Because it's been Done To Death. As the
post just above posits, there is no reason for Snape to be anything
other than what he is now, a thoroughly unpleasant human who may or
may not be a "good guy". The Vampire!Snape crowd has thrown every
possible wrench into the works over the past several YEARS (the latest
one is mirrors, go look) and every single one of them has been
logically and canonically disputed. The Pro-Vamp crowd takes every
dispute and says "well we don't know what ROWLING'S vampires are
like!" which admittedly is a better excuse than the sunscreen theory
or the beaten to death "half-vampire" mess. No, we don't know what
JKR's idea of a vampire is, but we do know they can't carry wands and
we do know that Professor Snape has been seen quite frequently using
his wand with some finesse.
In this "new" post alone we have a discussion of The Pensieve Incident
in which Snape is a teenager. If he was a vampire then, as is posited
by the "it's just that he exists" comment theory, then he'd still
"today" as Potionsmaster of Hogwarts all these many years on, be
floating around in the body of that gangly teenager as vampires, once
they become vampires, cease to age.
It's a dead issue, no pun intended, and one that sets most old-timers'
teeth on edge right along with The Thestral Question.
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