A BIAS in the Pensieve: A Batty Idea About Snape

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at kneasy.yahoo.invalid
Mon Feb 28 12:51:24 UTC 2005

Oh dear Lyn, you've resurrected one of the most contentious and 
divisive theories in the history of fandom. Fortunately since the toc 
population tends towards the more civilised end of the market nobody 
has yet thrown a wobbly. Good oh.

For what it's worth I don't  think that ole Sevvy is of the vamp 
tendency or associated with them (but see below). Though when I 
consider it further it may be that I  don't want him to be one. It'd be 
a disappointment. Not that that has much bearing on the matter, the 
personal likes and dislikes of readers hardly count in the greater 
scheme of things.

Yes, there're what *can* be taken as hints or allusions in canon, mind 
you the characteristics of traditional vampires would have to be 
altered somewhat - though Jo is quite capable of doing so, she's done 
it with other creatures without too much trouble. A half-vampire 
perhaps? Mmm. Difficult to imagine -  the consummation of a 
relationship between human and vamp would be a bit fraught to say the 
least. Neck guards and full dental extraction would tend to dampen the 
magic moment.
Unless there's a Black Ribboner involved.

The almost total blackout on information re: vampires in HP is a worry 
and unlikely to be accidental. We know they exist in the Potterverse, 
are considered dangerous beasts, but not much else. This in itself 
raises questions. Traditionally (and I don't count TV or film 
perversions as being traditional) a bite can transform the victim into 
a predator - very much a parallel with Lupin and lycanthropy - but 
lycanthropy is considered an illness, vampirism is the mark of the 
beast. Can one change species in the Potterverse? Thesis anyone?

An aside - there does seem to be an undercurrent between Sevvy and 
Lupin. I did once toy with the idea that they were related, Remus Lupin 
as a name for a werewolf being much too appropriate to be accidental - 
causing thoughts of noms-des-guerres or concealed identities. JKR 
pretty much put the kibosh on that by revealing that Lupin is a 
half-blood (one of the few, maybe the only time she has used that 
actual phrase, which gives one to consider just who HBP might be). And 
since Snape is Head of Slytherin - well, it lowers the odds.

Could Sevvy be a bat animagus? Yes, though many fans think the 
unregistered animagus thread is overdone already and would sling the 
book at the wall if another turned up. And unregistered he would have 
to be - Hermione has checked the register covering the last  century 
and Sevvy is what? 40ish? And if he were I'd've expected a bat or two 
flitting about in the twilight somewhere in the canon, but no, can't 
call one to mind.

Associated with vampires, then. Could be, could be - though maybe not 
in the way you mean. IMO the best fit for a vampire in HP is Voldy.

Random thoughts and not much canon in this post; doesn't consider many 
of the points in your suggested hypothesis either. A poor response. In 
mitigation I have to admit  that personal prejudices colour my views of 
Snape. He's the one of the few characters in my mind's eye whose 
imagined appearance and demeanour hasn't been modified by the film 
interpretations. He remains a gloriously nasty customer, though with 
the probability that there are events in his past that have made him 
what he is. It'd be hard to reconstruct him, though I accept that I 
could be forced to.


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