[the_old_crowd] Elanor Mary
JoAnna Wahlund
pt4ever at pt4ever.yahoo.invalid
Sat Jan 22 18:24:37 UTC 2005
Thank you so much, Ginger - that's beautiful. I'm going to print it out and put it in
Elanor's baby book!
--- quigonginger <quigonginger at ...> wrote:
> Joanna, I saw the announcement in the Forum and grinned like a maniac
> for several hours after. I figured you'd want to make the big
> announcement, so I used the time to compose a poem in your honour. I
> can now fit the baby's name into it. Hope you like it.
> Elanor Mary
> The sky was grey, the wind did blow.
> The temp was 97 below.
> The frigid folks of Fargo froze
> With frostbite in their cheeks and nose.
> The snow and cold did chill our bones.
> Opinions ranged from shrieks to moans.
> In all of this a girl was arrived,
> As if to say "We have survived!"
> A glow of life, a new beginning,
> A shout to nature: "We are winning!"
> A life came to a barren land
> And love to warm us, heart and hand.
> A family, once two, now three.
> A newborn girl for all to see.
> A family has taken form
> With love to last the darkest storm.
> A toast to Elly, and to you.
> (And Colin, let's give him his due!)
> May blue skies light your life ahead.
> May only tears of joy you shed.
> May she grow wise and strong and good
> And and learn the lessons that she should.
> May you enjoy this gift so sweet
> (And, should you choose, the gift repeat).
> May you have patience, and be kind
> On those occasions she won't mind.
> May you be firm, but loving too,
> When teaching what she ought to do.
> In just a blink you'll find her grown
> And starting out life on her own.
> May she grow up as she did start:
> A shining light to warm your heart.
> With deepest congratulations, Ginger
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