[the_old_crowd] RE: Best of Enemies. pt. 4.

Sean Dwyer ewe2 at ewe2_au.yahoo.invalid
Sat Jan 29 12:57:51 UTC 2005

On Fri, Jan 28, 2005 at 11:42:51AM -0600, Smythe, Boyd T {FLNA} wrote:
> Kneasy, another wonderfully soul-staining take on the "villains" in the
> Potterverse.

Yes, it's been enthralling. I never cease to wonder at how many angles you can
look at this from!

> Is anybody else out there actually rooting for Lord Thingy to finally look
> the part in HBP? Kill a few key adults (DD, please!) and a couple of
> students, maybe even a treacherous DE for fun? And all in a *very* foul way.
> And, most importantly, that nothing good happens to offset those
> deaths--yet.
> Otherwise, we're not talking about good triumphing over evil.

I have the occasional fear that the rabbit may refuse to leave the hat...then
Kneasy comes along and reminds me that there's always an angle an author can
cheat you with. Rowling strikes me as a student of Christie, in which case the
herring will be very red indeed.

> Of course, the other option is that LV represents something larger, such as
> the recurring baddie or the world of magic, as proposed by others. Running
> out of time on those predictions, though....

Whether we like it or not, I feel Rowling will ignore that unless it justifies
plot. We hear a lot, for example, about the enormous importance of Harry to
the WW but only because Harry hears that, or perhaps that he focusses on it,
is a better way to put it. Only because Voldy is prepared to make use of the
historical tensions of the WW are those tensions even employed.

I'd like to know why she is interested in killing major characters, and what
the whole death theme is leading up to. That's certainly a theme she has to
stick to.

Mac OS X. Because re-branding NeXTStep was easier than fixing Mac OS.

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