[the_old_crowd] OT: Checking in here

Anita Hillin akhillin at akhillin.yahoo.invalid
Fri Jul 8 15:03:02 UTC 2005

I'm so relieved to hear most of our group escaped the
horror, although that doesn't mitigate my sorrow for
those who were victims.  I had friends in New York
during 9/11, and although they weren't victims, they
were shaken for quite some time.

Hearing that Londoners are trying to resume some
semblance of normalcy is heartening.  I remember
reading a column in the New York Times that the writer
had turned to SpongeBob Squarepants for solace, and he
explained how much it helped, with its hopeful world
view and the tenacity of its characters.  Even the
silly humor was a balm to his stress.

That's how I plan to view HBP; taking heart from a
hopeful world view (even if the events are dark) and
snatches of humor, even in the midst of serious


--- Neil Ward <neilward at ...> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I'm fine, for those of you who haven't picked that up
elsewhere, and 
I hope everyone else based in London is safe.  Thanks
for all the 
good wishes to us Londoners and let me add a "me too"
to Ali's 
earlier message.

In these situations, I always count my blessings.  A
couple of the 
bombs were a little too close for comfort this time:
the first went 
off near my office in Liverpool Street and the second
one was on a 
tube route I could very easily have taken to Covent
Garden, where I 
was attending a training course.  Not so much a narrow
escape though 
as a reminder of the risks of living in London.

Training aside, I spent most of yesterday checking in
with friends 
and family and, later, doing some impromptu data
recovery when my 
home PC crashed on me (brilliant timing, under the

Everyone I know has proved to be safe and well, with
the closest 
shave being a business contact who was in Tavistock
Square when the 
bus bomb went off (he was not hurt at all).  




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