[the_old_crowd] Changing the subject

Catherine Coleman catorman at catorman.yahoo.invalid
Sat Jul 9 06:46:23 UTC 2005

--- "Catlady (Rita Prince Winston)" <catlady at ...> wrote:

> away from yesterday's bombs and tragedy, before I woke up Thursday to
> the clock radio telling me the bad news, I had been thinking of asking
> the listies if Darwinian Evolution is controversial in Europe, like it
> is in USA. I would have thought there wouldn't be a problem with it in
> Roman Catholic countries, as (from my recollection of a Stephen Jay
> Gould article) a long-ago Pope wrote an encyclical saying that it is
> not heretical to believe in Darwinian evolution, and later Pope John
> Paul II wrote an encyclical saying that Darwinian evolution had been
> proved to be true. But one of the anti-evolutionists on the radio this
> morning was a Roman Catholic!

In a word - no.  At least, not in the UK.  There are fundamentalist Christian groups which are
Creationist by belief and who do not believe in Darwinian Evolution (they also either don't
believe in dinosaurs, or think that they became extinct 2000 years ago), but they are in a very
small minority, and the mainstream view is still firmly Darwinian, even via Richard Dawkins.    

I've never heard of any Roman Catholics or any Anglicans for that matter in this country
questioning this, only those denominations who are biblical literalists, (tending to be some of
the more evangelical Born Again groups).


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