FAQ Poll question finally answered

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at kneasy.yahoo.invalid
Fri Jul 15 17:11:09 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "susiequsie23" <susiequsie23 at s...> wrote:
> Haven't seen this announcement here yet....
> www.jkrowling.com
> JKR finally answered the FAQ Poll winner, regarding how Order members communicate.  
The answer won't surprise many, I don't think -- mostly just detailed confirmation of what 
people have speculated about for awhile.  But she does also give some interesting 
information about the *nature* of Patronuses.

If you take into consideration the nature of the Patroni from James and Harry,
so similar that DD considered "Prongs rode again tonight," then either there's
an important clue there or Jo is not being entirely accurate that each individual
Patronus is distinctive and unique. Or maybe DD was lying again.

Pity this answer came so late - we could have had fun speculating on the Patronus
form of Lupin, Sirius, Hagrid, Molly, et al. Plus tying this in with shadowy artwork
on bookcovers. It could have kept us going for a week at least. Some authors have
no consideration for the need of desperate fans to jump on anything new(ish).

No matter. Within not too many hours there'll be fresh meat on the table.
Happy reading.


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