Off to see the wizard...

Richard hp at
Fri Jul 15 21:50:07 UTC 2005

OK, stop the groaning, that's the best I could do...

I'm on my way out of the house to see wassup in the bookshops and get my 
book (which hasn't been pre-ordered).

I've made a mound of sarnies (some cheese, some ham, some egg, all with 
salad, if you're asking) which are waiting in the fridge, I've made  a 
jugfull of red currant juice from the bushes growing in the garden (great 
diluted with rum or vodka!), I've got a bowl of jelly beans (not Bertie 
Bott's, regrettably) and a big bag (well, two big bags) of Nik Naks*.  I'm 
fully stocked up on ice and ciggies. I've already moved my comfy chair to 
the patio waiting for my return in a couple of hours or so.

The weather forecaster on the BBC a few moments ago said (I kid you not) 
that "it's perfect for sitting outdoors, reading a certain book all night 
and day - if you need that long" (admittedly, his forecast came hot on the 
heels of the report the BBC has already shown half a dozen times today of 
the kids queued up outside Waterstone's in London). I have my flashlight 
and I shall have a leisurely stroll home from the bookshop (approx. 50 
mins) while reading en route. On my return home, I hope to settle in for as 
long as it takes.

However, if my experience with (and reaction to) OotP is any indication, 
I'll probably call it a night around 3am and read the book slowly over the 
next week.

I'm only hoping that there'll be more people in and around the bookshops 
tonight than there were a couple of years ago for OotP: for a city of over 
2 million inhabitants, Birmingham showed very badly with only about 50 
people milling about waiting for the shops to open. Then again, there were 
no "events" last time, but there's meant to be some street entertainment 
and suchlike tonight according to the media...

* for the non-Brits

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