HBP:First Impressions

bluesqueak pip at bluesqueak.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jul 17 14:54:56 UTC 2005

Spoiler space
More Spoiler space
Even more Spoiler space
Lots of Spoiler space
Lots and lots of Spoiler space
Ever so much Spoiler space

> ewe2 raises his IceWand of Penguin TauntingTM and taunts Pip one 
more time!
> Sure, sounds tough, but its the eek or the meek in here.

And Pip replies:
Can we not shut up about that bloody dishwasher? At least for a 
little while :-) One of the reasons I stopped writing on the other 
list was that I couldn't suggest any theory whatsoever without 
someone demanding to know how it fitted into that blasted domestic 

> The other problem non-verbal spells raise is why a whole bunch of 
> Death-Eaters didn't use them in the Ministry of Magic, for just 
> one example. Why Voldemort didn't see the value in them in the 
> graveyard in GoF. Then there's the Shrieking Shack scene in PoA. 
> You get the idea. MAGIC DISHWASHER, where art thou?
> ewe2, practicing levitation of fish with his beak shut.

Snape uses non-verbal spells in the Shack. Ropes shoot out of his 
wand and tie up Lupin and later he clicks his fingers, and the ropes 
fly to his hand. JKR disguises the non-verbal nature with sound 
effects, but she ain't cheating in HBP. We've seen non-verbal spells 

But despite my profound desire not to discuss kitchen appliances 
until I've had some chance to really absorb HBP, there was one line 
which had me laughing so hard I nearly fell off the sofa (ask Ali 
and Catherine).

So - my new tag line


"Where do you think I would have been all these years, if I had not 
known how to act?" - Severus Snape

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