HBP spoilers: further first impressions
fmaneely at fhmaneely.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jul 17 17:30:00 UTC 2005
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "dungrollin"
<spotthedungbeetle at h...> wrote:
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> Questions arising:
> 1. Why did Voldy want Snape teaching DADA at Hogwarts? Why was
> Potions not good enough?
> 2. Did Voldy really tell Snape about the plan? Or is Snape Sherlock!
> Snape too?
> 3. Bella really is bonkers, isn't she?
Yes, but oddly enough she cares about her sister or so it seems
> 4. Are we being set up for an entire Malfoy family conversion?
Cissy seems to love her son and husband....sounds like something from
Jerry Springer....DE's who love....
> 5. Who's going to do the whole explication thing at the end of book
> seven? (Snape Snape Snape)
> 6. Are we ever going to see Fawkes again?
going back to COS and the help comes to those who ask for it thing,
maybe he will show up to help Harry
> 7. One of the Hoarcrumbles ought to be in the Chamber of Secrets,
> oughtn't it?
Too obvious maybe.....
> 8. How is Snape going to save Draco (and thus himself that
> unbreakable vow was awfully wide-ranging) without alienating Voldy?
I wondered about that as well.....Did Snape and Draco go back to LV?
> 9. Is it a double-double bluff? Is Snape a potential dark lord
> himself, and out to get rid of DD, Voldy *and* Harry? (Can't
> remember the acronym offhand.)
> 10. Was there any significance to Buck- I mean Witherwing's attack
> on Snape at the end?
> Some fantastic laugh out loud moments. Mollywobbles, for one.
I thought Bella calling after "Cissy", and Phlegm were pretty funny
Other questions:
Why did the new MOM keep hounding Harry for info?
Next stop, GH?
Why Florean Fortiscue? Double scoops of Anti-LV icream....
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