[the_old_crowd] HBP impressions, spoilers, and a tantrum

voicelady voicelady at the_voicelady.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jul 17 17:03:28 UTC 2005















Joywitch (hi, Joy!) wrote:
[snippy snip] 

<<<I am SO MAD at JKR for killing Dumbledore.  I knew from the start  that Dumbledore would eventually have to die, but I was sure it  wouldn't happen until book 7.  It's not fair to Harry -- it's too  soon after Sirius' death, there's still too much for Harry to learn  from him, it's too painful, it's TOO AWFUL.  ::sobs::

And I hate Snape for killing him.  I don't care if it does turn out  to be true that he did it under Dumbledore's orders or it's all part  of some grand plan or Dumbledore was dying anyway because of the  magical blech he drank I don't care I don't care I HATE SNAPE ANYWAY  he's always been a greasy sadistic ugly bullying unprofessional  slimeball.
[snip again]
1.  Why did Dumbledore freeze Harry?  Obviously, he was protecting  Harry, but why freeze him, as opposed to a magical barrier or  something?  Why a spell that meant that Harry could watch, but not  act?>>>

Because Dumbledore's not dead. Not really. He needed to have Harry *see* Snape "kill" him. The ministry and the Order are now predispossed to believe Harry. And then there was the whole very public ceremony of the funeral. *Everyone* now believes that Dumbledore, the only wizard that Voldemort ever feared, is dead. It also cements Snape in further with Voldemort. V will trust Snape even more now. And Snape is still serving DD. I hate him, always have, but he is one of the good guys. DD will still be running the show.

Oh, and I loved loved loved this book. Best of the lot.

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