HBP - it's that man again, mostly

fhmaneely fmaneely at fhmaneely.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jul 17 21:17:10 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Barry Arrowsmith" 
<arrowsmithbt at b...> wrote:
> --- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "fhmaneely" <fmaneely at b...> 
> > --- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, Barry Arrowsmith 
> > <arrowsmithbt at b...> wrote:
> > > 
> > > 
> > > S
> > > P
> > > O
> > > I
> > > L
> > > E
> > > R
> > > S
> > > P
> > > A
> > > C
> > > E
> > > A
> > > N
> > > D
> > > A
> > > B
> > > I
> > > T
> > > M
> > > O
> > > R
> > > E
> > > 
> > 
> > I knew there would be some great posts and you have not let me 
> > So, why did DD freeze Harry. I see it as  another protection 
> > for Harry. I still thought Snape on DD side after the Spinner's 
> > chapt. then ofc ourse radar went up after he was announced as the 
> > DADA instructor, the curse on that position and all. Snape 
killing DD 
> > is boinb to be debatable for a long time. IMvHO, it was 
> > between them if something should happen to DD.
> > 
> Kneasy:
> Deary me.
> After 6 books you ask why Harry would be immobilised at a tricky 
> 'Cos he's a numpty.
> He' do exactly the wrong thing. Totally guaranteed. 24 carat 
> Let loose he'd fight Draco, fight Snape, fight everybody. Draco 
could end
> up killing someone through anger, in the heat of the moment, and 
> and Snape, um. Can you imagine Harry's reaction to the AKing of DD 
if he 
> hadn't been hors de combat?

Thought about that, but it seemed too obvious. I have picked up that 
Harry is a little to quick to jump into action. Something just 
doesn't fit though. Think DD knew his time was up, but freezing Harry 
so he will witness his death just just seems odd. 
> Kneasy:
> Y-e-e-e-e-s. Also. Sort of. But not much.
> DD has been Harry's crutch. he's relied on him more than on anyone 
else; DD
> has got him out of more scrapes than is healthy for fostering 
informed and 
> intelligent self-reliance. From now on Harry has to fend for 
himself. It's 
> gonna be his final training module.
> More or less a plot inevitability, when you think about it.  
You are right. time for Harry to hit the yellow brickroad for 
Godric's Hollow. 
> > Question to you Kneasy, what do you think about Scrimgouer? 
> > 
> Kneasy:
> Scrimgeour. Says an awful lot about him that Dear Dolly is still 
> significant in the Ministry. Plus his obsession with presenting a 
common front,
> trying to look effective  etc. Typical political bureaucrat. Total 
tosser. Wouldn't
> trust him as far as the foot of our stairs. Has there been a purge 
*inside* the
> Ministry? Bet there hasn't; just the signs on a few doors have 
changed. It'll
> be the old mantra, I think - "We know best." And now the only 
really independent,
> knowledgeable outside observer deserving of respect has gone. 
They'll screw it
> up in weeks. It'll be somebody else's fault, naturally. (I have a 
very low opinion 
> of the so-called political classes. Any of 'em would sell their 
grandmother for
> a transient poll-rating. Bastards.)

Corrupt politicians are universal it seems. Only have known one who 
was actually a pretty decent woman. She kept her word on term limits 
and at the height of her popularity, did not run for re-election 
after 2 terms. Sometimes I think greed will be the end of us all...


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